War Is Over.

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"Fight with what, Joonie?!" Yoongi gestured to their surroundings. They were defenseless. He grabbed a can of soup off one of the store shelves. "With this? Huh?! Because clearly, this is all we've got!"

Namjoon was staring at the madness outside, scanning, searching. His eyes landed in one spot. "No, hyung. We fight with those."

Everyone turned their gaze to where Namjoon was pointing to outside.


Discarded guns from the soldiers who had been killed. Namjoon turned to the others and saw their hesitation.

"Hyungie, none of us know how to use guns," Jungkook sulked. He wanted to fight back, he really did, but he wasn't sure this was the right move.

Jin stepped forward. "Well today, we learn. Let's go." He was already headed out the door, ready to put up a fight. He was over all of this. He was ready for it to end. He was angry and exhausted. He missed his bed. He missed his video games. He missed his life.

The others followed Jin out and they ran for the guns. Whatever Jin did, they'd always follow. As long as hyung did it first.

Hobi started giving a speech about being careful and sticking together or hiding when they needed to. "But most importantly. Do not lose this fight."

They wielded their guns in their hands and started shooting. None of them quite knew what they were doing, but it was working. Bullets were flying. They all made sure to travel as a group and they shot not only infected people, but also people who they knew were enemies. The scientists in lab coats. Soldiers from their own country who had been in on this entire mess.

They saw reinforcements from all over the world coming to their rescue.

They also saw that there were still soldiers from their home fighting for them too. There were still good ones left who had not been part of this. They stood in a circle, facing out, covering each others backs.


"Over here!"

"Get that one!"

They screamed commands at each other.

Someone had grabbed Jimin and was trying to bite him, but Jungkook turned and shot the man right in the head and the body dropped limp. Jungkook had to remind himself that he wasn't shooting people. He was shooting monsters, and he was doing this for his brothers and his country.

Jimin pulled him into a hug and kissed his cheek. "Thank you, Kookie! Thank you so much!"

"We can hug later!" Taehyung screamed. "We have more important things to do right now!"

They continued to fight. For hours on end. They were covered in blood. Whether it was their own or other peoples, they weren't sure. It became impossible to hear each other. The sound of chaos and devastation making their ears ring.

Half way through the night, cheering could be heard.

"Why are people cheering?!" Namjoon was confused. Someone ran by, saying there was finally a surrender.

"Who surrendered?" Yoongi asked.

"The soldiers! Our soldiers! Or, those pathetic people who called themselves soldiers! It's over! It's over! And they've shot down, as far as we can tell, all of those sick people!" The man ran away cheering.

The members turned to each other. "How? Already? How did they surrender?"

Another person running by cheering said many of the culprits had been either killed or captured, leaving nobody left from their side to fight. "They've been captured as war criminals! We've won!"

The members pulled each other into a big group hug as they burst into tears of joy.

"It's over. The war is over. Finally!" Jimin cried.

Jin looked around to see the ruins before him. Dead bodies. Broken buildings. Nobody coming to attack them. Rusted metal on cars. As happy as Jin was, it hadn't dawned on him until now that there was still aftermath to all of this.

Jin wiped his tears as he stared off. "Now what?"

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