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The hyungs continued to frantically search the room for their youngest. As everyone was screaming and yelling because of the sirens blaring through the building, the members were screaming for Jungkook.

Hobi felt like the entire room lit up when he turned and finally saw his maknae running towards him in a panic. "Guys! He's here!" Hobi pointed before sprinting to the youngest, followed by the rest of the members.

"Hyung!" Jungkook cried. Hobi reached him and wrapped in his arms. "Where the hell were you?! Are you trying to give us all a heart attack?!"

"I'm sorry hyungie I was-" before he could finish, the others were surrounding him also screaming at him for going off on his own. Jungkook started crying when he realized everyone was so angry with him. As the tears trickled down his face he tried to explain where he'd gone.

"I'm really sorry hyungs...I was just going to the bathroom."

"You know we're supposed to stick together!" Jimin yelled at him.

"I know were all sleeping and you all looked peaceful I didn't want to bother anyone knowing how tired hyungies were."

Jungkook thought he was doing the right thing by letting his hyungs rest while he went to the bathroom. He didn't expect all this chaos to ensue. He felt terrible for making them angry. He dropped his gaze to the floor and dabbed his tears away. "I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to upset anyone."

Namjoon started crying as a wave of guilt rushed through him. He figured the maknae didn't quite deserve all the screaming, everyone was anxious and scared and it wasn't fair to Jungkook that they were all taking it out on him. He pulled Jungkook into a hug. "Hey, don't cry, Kook-ah." Namjoon turned to everyone else. "I think he gets the point. No more yelling."

The members also apologized, telling Jungkook that they weren't angry at him they had just gotten extremely terrified when they thought he was missing, especially considering the horrifying situation they were all in.

Yoongi rubbed Jungkook's arm. "We just don't want anything to happen to you. Don't mind waking us up next time, got it? Whether we are peacefully sleeping or not, we have to stick together. You have to wake us up. It can always be me if you want." The others quickly chimed in that Jungkook could wake them up too. They could all wake each other up. The hyungs tried to make a light joke out of it and finally got the youngest to smile and wipe the last of his tears away.

The sirens had finally stopped and everyone in the room calmed down.

But only for a second.

There was a moment of silence as people were sighing in relief that the noised stopped.

But then terrified screaming started, and so did the sound of gunshots.

The members panicked and grabbed each other. Everyone in the room started running around in a frenzy trying to find places to hide. Soldiers had their guns out and ended up shooting two people dead right in the middle of the room. Taehyung dropped to his knees and started throwing up onto the floor. Yoongi picked him up and they all ran to their cots, hiding under them. It wasn't much protection but in the moment it was all they had.

Jimin was a mess of tears. "What's going on? What's happening? I want to go home. Please guys I don't want to be here anymore. I want to go home."

Jin wrapped his arm around Jimin and reassuringly kissed his temple. "We'll be okay." The eldest had no idea how true that really was but he sure wasn't going to tell his dongsaeng something else.

A man who was part of the crowd stepped forward and started screaming at the soldier. Asking what the hell he just killed two people for. The soldier claimed the two had been contaminated.

"How the hell would that happen?! You already screened all of us!" the man shouted. The soldier screamed at him back, telling him to mind his own business.

All of the members were still huddled under their cots close together, covering their ears to try and drown out the sound of the fighting between the man and the soldier.

And it was a good thing they were covering their ears because a loud ringing went out as the soldier pointed his gun at the man, and shot him dead too.

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