Run, Run, Run.

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All of the members started screaming louder after seeing yet another innocent man be shot dead to the ground.

All hell broke loose. Many of the people in the room started shouting and angrily making their way towards the soldiers and it became a showdown between civilians and the men in uniform. The soldiers had their guns up pointed at the crowd as the crowd was demanding answers.

The members didn't want to get involved, if anything, they wanted to escape and go home. Even with the terrible weather and the infected people out there, home felt much safer than being trapped with people who were willing to murder for absolutely no reason.

While the crowd was distracting the soldiers, Yoongi pointed to one of the exit doors. While they were all still huddled up safely under their cots they devised a plan to make a run for it and sneak out of there when they had the chance. They weren't exactly sure whether leaving was off limits or not, but by the looks of it they could tell that the security was pretty tight and that the soldiers didn't want anyone in contact with whatever was going on outside. They didn't want to stick around and ask if it was okay to go. They would take that matter into their own hands.

And their time was now.

"When I count to three, everyone run to the door," Yoongi commanded.

All of them felt their hearts race faster as Yoongi started counting.


They all took deep breaths.


On que, all of the members quickly crawled out from underneath their cots and ran for one of the exits.

"Run! Run! Run!" Jin screamed, being the last in formation to make sure everyone else got out of that room.

They burst through an exit door and made it into a hallway. They remembered seeing the same hall when they were being brought back together from their quarantines. Relieved that they'd actually made it out of there undetected, they all took a moment to lean against the wall and catch their breath.

"What the hell is going on?" Namjoon asked the others. "Why are they shooting everyone!?"

"I don't know, Joonie, but I'm also not willing to stick around here and find out why." Yoongi gestured that they had to get a move on it before they got caught. They started running down the empty, dark, cold hallways looking for any kind of emergency exit or way out. Every door they found was locked from the outside.

"What the fuck!" Jungkook screamed as he punched one of the next doors they had found that was also locked. "Seems more like they're trying to keep us in, rather than keep what's out there, out!"

Jimin tilted his head. Jungkook's comment had sparked his curiosity. "Well if we can't get out, I still don't want to go back in that room! We should look around and see what we can find."

"That sounds dangerous." Taehyung sighed.

"Taehyung...I hate to break this to you," Hobi squeezed Taehyung's shoulder, "But everything about this is dangerous. We are in danger no matter what we do."

"Thanks hyung, that was extremely reassuring." Taehyung rolled his eyes and then covered his face with his hands, trying to hide some of his tears.

Jimin continued. "I'm just saying maybe we can find some stuff out about what's really going on here. I don't trust those men in uniform and I also don't trust that people randomly started going murderously crazy and a toxic sky magically started raining down on us. All of this had to start from somewhere."

"Or..." Yoongi paused. Once everyone was looking attentively at him, he finished his statement. "Someone."

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