New Plan.

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"What the hell do you mean we ran out of gas?! How?! We had a full tank!" Jimin screamed.

"I don't know! Clearly something was wrong with the damn car!" Yoongi shot back.

"So now what do we do?!" Hobi asked in a panic. "We have to get to the camp before they close it off!"

The members silently looked around out of the car windows, all wondering how the hell they were supposed to get out of this mess.  Not only did they no longer have a car but walking through the rain was way too dangerous and risky.

Jin saw a man approaching from a distance. "Look!" he shouted. "He's just walking in the rain like that?! We have to help him! Or maybe he can help us!"

"Are you insane, Jin?!" Taehyung screamed. "You just got assaulted in a gas station and now you want to help some random person?! He could be one of them!"

Jin sunk in his seat, realizing Taehyung was right.

The man started running up to the car and the members panicked and held onto each other. He began screaming and pounding on the windows.

"Let me in! Please! Help! Help!" The man screamed.

"I don't know what to-" Yoongi panicked. He was debating whether to unlock the car to let the man in or not.

Hobi saw the mans pupils. "No! Nobody let him in! He's not a real person he's one of those...those...things!"

Everyone's hearts were ready to explode with fear as the man started banging his entire head into the car window, making his head bleed.

"Stop! What the hell are you doing?!" Taehyung screamed to the man.

The man busted his head straight through the glass and everyone started screaming. Yoongi threw his door open. "Alright new plan!" He pointed to another SUV not too far from them. "Get in that one!"

"But hyung, the rain!" Jimin cried.

"We either deal with the rain for a second or this damn maniac!" Yoongi screamed and made a run for the other car, the others followed suit, doing their best to gather whatever they could in their arms and also cover their skin from the rain.

They watched as the mans head remained stuck in the glass window he had just shattered.

"Now what?!" Jin yelled as they all gathered into the new vehicle.

"Maybe there's a key in here. It was unlocked maybe they left the key behind," Yoongi mentioned.

Everyone frantically searched for a key to the car but couldn't find one.

"Does anyone know how to hot-wire it?" Jimin asked. Everyone shook their heads no.

"So we're stuck here?" Jimin asked. "At least until the rain stops?"

Nobody knew when the rain would stop. Yoongi felt his chest tighten. "Yes. We're stuck here."

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