Desolate Road.

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Jungkook screamed. "We have to go! His eyes did the thing and what if more show up?!"

Everyone took the maknae's warning seriously and quickly gathered all they needed and sprinted back to the car, thankful that Yoongi pulled it back up to the door so to not get hurt by the rain.

Jin clutched his head in pain, but insisted he was okay.

Yoongi kept driving, the ominous absence of everyone freaked the members out. As far as they could tell everyone had already evacuated and they were the only ones left. As they drove they saw what looked like a wasteland.

Cars were broken down all over the sides of the roads.

"Should we stop and check them out? Maybe there's more stuff we need. Maybe there's more water in some of these cars?" Hobi asked.

"People wouldn't leave that stuff behind," Namjoon replied. "If they had water with them, they would have taken it."

"And I don't want to stop this car," Yoongi said. "We don't need what happened back there happening out here either. Who knows where those bastards are hiding!"

As Namjoon offered to ride passenger while his hyung drove, the others were in the back all cuddling up to Jin, keeping their eye on him to make sure he was okay.

"I don't know how many times I have to tell you guys I'm fine." Jin couldn't help but smile, his dongsaengs concern was cute.

Namjoon turned the radio on to see if he could find a station with some news or updates. He found one but it was super staticky and kept cutting in and out. What they did pick up from the information is that the military camp they were headed to was going to close to anyone new within a few hours, as they were reaching capacity.

"Hyung drive faster!" Jimin cried. His hyung slammed on the gas and the car shot forward, the thudding rain so loud it made it hard to hear each other speak.

After an hour and a half, with only 30 minutes to go, everyone wondered why Yoongi was stopping the car in the middle of the road.

The rapper bit his bottom lip.

"What's wrong? Why are you stopping? We don't have time!" Taehyung yelled in a panic.

Yoongi looked at everyone and sighed with frustration.

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news but we ran out of gas."

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