What Is Happening?

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Taehyung gulped. "What do you mean by that?" He looked around anxiously at his members and then back at the man who had come over to talk to them.

"The military isn't helping us. This is their doing. Well, it's the government's anyway, and who is working for them? The military, that's who." The random man crossed his arms and continued. "The people getting sick wasn't an accident. This weather isn't an accident. I'll tell you that much."

"The government can't control the weather," Yoongi laughed.

The man began walking away, but stopped and turned to them one last time. "You'd be surprised." And with that, he disappeared back into the crowd.

The members looked around at each other. Jin spoke up. "Just...no more talking to any more crazy people, okay? Don't trust what anyone says about anything. Seems like this situation is really starting to mess with people's heads."

Everyone agreed to take what the man had said with a grain of salt and not think too deeply into it. They planned to follow the crowd, and follow whatever rules were given to them. "Lay low and listen," is what Namjoon had said.

The members weren't sure how long they'd been in this military evacuation base. They knew it was at least a few days since being put in isolation. At this point they didn't even know if it had been night or day, the lack of windows made it hard to tell. They had already been given their phones back but they didn't seem to have service, it was so bad that even the time on them wouldn't update.

They knew it had to be getting late because an announcement came over an intercom stating that the dinner buffet would be opening soon and it would stay open for two hours. Jimin and Taehyung claimed to not be hungry, they were too full of anxiety. Yoongi tried to persuade them. "You need to make sure you're healthy and have strength, guys. Especially with everything going on. We can't have you guys getting sick. Please at least try to eat a little bit?"

It didn't take much persuading, as the two dongsaengs agreed to at least eat a little bit to make their hyung happy. Everyone went over and grabbed food, bringing the trays back to their cots to eat.

Things had calmed down within the base, most people were huddled together with their families on their own cots. Everyone was quiet, clearly getting tired.

With the anxiety of the day finally subsiding and tiredness taking over, the members decided they should try to sleep. It wasn't as easy as they'd hoped. Bright lights above them made it hard to rest, and everyone still didn't feel completely comfortable sleeping in a room full of strangers. The members decided to double up and share cots. Hobi, Jimin, and Taehyung even managed to cuddle up into one. Jungkook chose Namjoon and Yoongi chose Jin. Yoongi only had one hyung and it was who he felt he needed the most right now.

Suddenly an announcement came on.

"Lights out!"

All of the lights instantly shut off except for some neon emergency lights. The members thought it was off that everything suddenly seemed so scheduled, but they figured it was just how the military kept things in order.

They weren't sure how long they were asleep, but suddenly everyone was abruptly woken into a panic when the lights turned on and a million loud alarms started going off at once. The members immediately sat up and grabbed each other.

"What's happening?!" Taehyung cried. "Did one of those...people...get in here?!" He was looking around and crying. His eyes stopped on Namjoon. "Hyung! Where is Jungkookie?!"

All of them frantically looked around and realized they'd been awoken in such a frenzy that they hadn't had time to process that Jungkook wasn't with them. All of them panicked and eyed the crowds around them.

They realized that no only was Jungkook not with them, but Jungkook wasn't anywhere.

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