Stay or Go?

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Hobi turned the TV off, not caring to encounter any more bad news. "Maybe some kind of virus?"

"I don't know, but whatever it is, let's just bunker down for now and relax while the storm passes." Namjoon walked to the fridge and started to pull out things to make for dinner.

Everyone dispersed, and the maknae's sat at the window watching the storm unfold outside.

It kept getting worse and worse, to the point that the thunder and lightning started scaring the hell out of Taehyung so he decided to stop watching and ran away to go cuddle with Yoongi somewhere.

"We're safe right?" Taehyung asked Yoongi.

"Of course," Yoongi said. "We're home and out of the storm, and away from people. We're fine."

"I'm still scared," Taehyung frowned. "What if something bad is happening? What if something bad happens to us? I mean Jimin got pushed and all."

Yoongi hugged Taehyung tightly as he interrupted him. "Jimin is fine, and we'll be fine too."

"Are you not at all at least a little freaked out?" Taehyung wondered.

Yoongi couldn't lie. "I guess a little, yeah."

The two cuddled up and listened to the storm outside. Yoongi held Taehyung tighter every time the loud thunder scared him.

Jimin and Jungkook continued to stare out the window, and saw the rain stripping the paint off other vehicles and buildings.

"Damn, they weren't kidding about the rain being bad," Jungkook frowned.

"And to think you almost touched it," Jin replied as he let out a light chuckle.

"Sorry, hyung," Jungkook replied.

Jin sat and turned the TV back on, figuring he could find a movie or something. He finally found one and the rest of the members sat around watching it while waiting for dinner to cook.

To their irritation, a breaking news report popped up on the TV.

"We interrupt this programming to bring a breaking announcement, authorities are commanding everyone to evacuate. Storm drains are clogging up and roads are flooding, and with the rain continuing to fall, high levels of pooled water are expected. With the rain being too toxic for human flesh, it is advised for everyone to seek higher elevation and only bring necessities."

The members hearts sank as they looked to each other nervously.

"What...uh...what should we do?" Namjoon asked with a shaky voice. They discussed their options whether to stay put or evacuate with everyone.

And then it was decided.

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