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Jin had tears streaming down his cheeks. After everything they just heard, he felt a much greater weight of responsibility as the oldest. He felt like now it was really up to him to make sure he kept his dongsaengs safe. He knew everyone was willing to defend each other, but the burden was still on him. Jungkook grabbed him and pulled him into a hug, quietly crying too.

Jimin straightened up. "We have to tell people."

"Tell them what, exactly? That the government is trying to create a murderous army to send out and conquer the world with?" Hobi asked.

"Well, yeah...just that, actually. And about how the rain involved leaked chemicals."

Everyone gave each other nervous glances. Not only were they worried about telling others and them not believing them, but they were worried about having to go back to the main room and encounter the actual soldiers. Especially now that they knew what they were.

"How are we supposed to tell people with the soldiers constantly watching us? They're going to realize something is up if people start freaking out about it." Namjoon figured it was an extremely dangerous thing to do.

"So let them freak out." Yoongi crossed his arms. "Isn't that the point of telling them? We can't let ourselves be controlled by these monsters. There's more of us than them anyway. If we revolt and overtake the soldiers, then what can they really do?"

Silence surrounded the members once again.

Jimin sniffled and then spoke up. "We can't fight an entire army."

"Says who?" Taehyung asked Jimin. He was feeling confident. Jimin sighed.

"I don't want to go back in there," Hobi admitted. "It's a death trap in there." He peeked around the corner and watched people in the white lab coats walking around.

This sparked an idea.

"What if we disguise ourselves as them?" He gestured to the people in the coats. "No soldiers will shoot us if they think we're working with them."

"How the hell do you expect to get lab coats?" Jungkook asked.

"They're bound to have some laying around," Namjoon mentioned. "We might have to split up and-"

"No!" Jin whispered, cutting him off. "No splitting up! You know the rules! We stick together!"

"But hyungie it will be faster to find disguises if we split up." Jungkook wanted to reassure his hyung so he wouldn't freak out too much. He could see that Jin still wasn't going to accept that. "Buddy system at least?"

"Fine." Jin finally agreed that they could split up, but only in pairs and small groups. Everyone found a partner, with Jin joining Taehyung and Jimin. "Thirty minutes tops. That's it. If nobody has found a single extra lab coat in the next thirty minutes, you come back and meet right here anyway. Don't be late or else you will have to deal with hyungs wrath! And you won't like me angry!"

Everyone nodded at Jin and then quickly went their separate ways. They all took turns sneaking around corners and into separate rooms, making sure to stay low and out of sight from anyone who was involved in this entire operation.

Surprisingly, half an hour later, all seven of them met back up and had all gathered an extra lab coat.

"We did it!" Yoongi cheered. Everyone slowly turned their gaze to Taehyung.

"What the hell are you wearing?" Jungkook asked.

Taehyung had returned with not just a lab coat, but also a giant pair of pink sunglasses that he was already wearing on his face and trying to flaunt.

"What?" He grabbed at the sunglasses. "These? I wanted to look cool. It's for the aesthetic."

"We don't have time to look cool, Tae!" Jin groaned, "We have more important things to worry about than our fashion choices right now!"

Taehyung frowned and threw the sunglasses aside. "So what do we do next?"

"I suppose now we have to act like we know what the hell we're doing and inform people what's really going on." Namjoon felt his heart start pounding at the thought of it.

The members nodded and headed back for the main room. While walking back Namjoon said they needed more than just the lab coats to disguise themselves so he had everyone steal a few face masks from some empty rooms. They all put their masks on and stood outside the door to the main room that was housing all of the civilians.

Jimin decided to be brave and was the first to reach for the door handle.

"Well. Here goes nothing."

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