We were in some sort of office now, deciding what to do."Them guns worth more than gold." Daryl started. "Gold won't protect your family or put food on the table. You willing to give that up for that kid?" He asked Rick.
"If I knew we'd get Glenn back, I might agree." T-dog spoke up. "But you think that vato across the way is just gonna hand him over?"
"You calling G a liar?" The kid asked.
"Are you a part of this? You want to hold onto your teeth?" Daryl yelled, slapping the kid.
"Calm down, that was so unnecessary." I told Daryl, only getting that cold stare as a response.
"Question is, do you trust that man's word?" T-dog asked.
"No, question is what are you willing to bet on it? Could be more than them guns. Could be your life. Glenn worth that to you?" Daryl questioned.
"We can't just leave him there." I said. I turned over to Rick. "He saved your life Rick."
"He did. I owe it to him now. I was nobody to Glenn. Just some, idiot stuck in a tank. He could've walked away, but he didn't. Neither will I."
"So you're gonna hand the guns over?" Daryl asked.
"I didn't say that." Rick said.
"There's nothing keeping you three here. You should get out. Head back to camp."
"And you're just gonna go by yourself?" I asked.
"What are we gonna tell your family?" T-dog questioned.
Silence filled the air for a few seconds. Rick looking at each of us. He then reached into the bag of guns, handing one to each of us. I honestly didn't want to have to hold one of these again, or use it if it comes to that, but I wanted to save Glenn, so I accepted the gun.
"Come on, this is nuts." The kid said, standing up.
Daryl pushed him back down. "Just do as G says." The kid pleaded.
We were back at those guys' base. The gates opened and we made our way inside.
There were more men inside. It looked like some type of warehouse. Rick and Daryl held their guns to the kids back, much like earlier.
"I see my guns, but they're not all in the bag." Guillermo said.
"That's because they're not yours. I thought I mentioned that." Rick stated.
"Let's just shoot these fools right now, ese." A man said into Guillermos ear. "All right? Unload on their asses, ese."
I looked down at my shaking hands, beginning to realize what was gonna happen. Please God, don't let me die today.
"I don't think you fully appreciate the gravity of the situation." Guillermo said.
"No, I'm pretty clear." Rick said, eyeing Guillermo.
He pushed the kid to the men. "You have your man. I want mine."
"I'm gonna chop up your boy. I'm gonna feed him to my dogs. They're the evilest, nastiest, man-eating bitches you ever saw." Guillermo said, inching closer to Rick. "I picked 'em up from satan at a yard sale. I told you how it has to be. Are you woefully deaf?"
"No my hearing's fine." Rick said, looking down at Guillermo. "You said come locked and loaded-" everyones guns cocked. I stood there, frozen, not knowing what to do.
"-okay then, we're here." Rick finished. Pointing the gun at Guillermos head.
"Felipe! Felipe!" A new voice entered the room, it sounded like an elderly woman.

That Valley Girl || Daryl Dixon
FanfictionCURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN ! After living in the San Fernando Valley her entire life, Reagan Martinez finds herself in Georgia during the midst of a strange outbreak, where the dead have begun to walk the streets. Reagan always had an easy life. Bor...