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Reiki session with Jennifer. Her rankings included Oliver at spot three, Todd is second and Jack is first. I had a vision that Jack and I were making out in a hotel room at some formal event. It came to me like a flash. Jennifer said she saw it the moment I walked in. Oliver is in a dark place and me reaching out to him is all I can do. He needs to work through demons that are very clearly there. I asked if it's possible for him to level up to a person I can be with without needing to compromise everything and Jennifer said yes definitely possible just not right now. She said I need to tell Jack how I feel so I move the energy. She said she sees me in a city like DC or London. That I will be with Jack at Anna's wedding. He will somehow be there either because someone dropped out or as my date. I showed Jennifer a picture of Todd and she said Todd has great energy and is fun. I can't believe I got a vision. But my third eye and crown chakra are finally wide open. Yahoo. Looks like I might get more spirit writings if I want it. The control is still in my hands.


The moment I arrived at Jennifer's I explained everything about the experience. It was out of body. I didn't feel like myself. It felt like words were coming through me from somewhere higher up. How did I know what was real or not? It felt as though someone had taken the pen out of my hand and just begun writing. She listened intently and confirmed, it was indeed my first channel. I was freaked out. But I had nothing to worry about. Channeling is just another way that Spry can connect with you. The same way I could hear things and see things, now I could just get direct downloads from the higher ups. It was cool and I felt myself calming down. I climbed onto the Reiki table and let Jennifer get to work. When she placed her hands on my head, I got a vision so strong I couldn't articulate it.

Now there's something very specific about doing Reiki on someone's head. It's not the same as the rest of the body because the mind exists. So when you do what's called a "mental treatment" on someone's head you have to take extra care to ensure you're not giving them any of your expectations, thoughts or wishes. When Jennifer put her hands on my head I got a vision of me in a hotel room sitting on a dresser. I was wearing a pink silk gown and I was making out with a guy in a tux.

I shared this with Jennifer and she went, "It's about time! I've been waiting for you to see this. I saw it the moment you walked in." I ignored the confusion and pressed on. I couldn't see the man's face. Was it Oliver? Jennifer dismissed the idea. No no, it was Jack. She asked if I was going to a wedding anytime soon. I actually was, Anna was getting married in a month.

"Jack will be there!" I looked at her skeptically but she seemed so excited it was hard to doubt her.

"That's impossible, he's not invited." She scolded me. You don't know what's possible if you say it's not. He will be a last minute invite or you will be a last minute invite to someone else's wedding. You'll be someone's plus one and he will be there and you guys will finally come together!" I sat up, all the excitement had me fizzing. It didn't matter that none of it made sense. I hadn't seen Jack in almost a year. Why in the world would he be at Anna's wedding? Why would I be a wedding guest in California? I stopped asking questions and let the sensation of someone else's expectations wash over me. How exciting would it be if this came true. I ignored the facts that Jack had a fiancé, I had no weddings coming up and he certainly wasn't available nor did he like me. In that moment, everything felt possible.

I told Jennifer about Todd. I said, "even if it doesn't work out with Jack I went on a date last night and it went really well." She told me he had great energy, a very stand up human. I didn't tell her about the gunpoint story. It didn't seem relevant at the time. She told me that in my heart Jack was number one, Todd was number two and Oliver was at the bottom of the barrel.

Jennifer never liked Oliver. I don't know why. I showed her a picture of him, our snapshot from Joe's birthday and she told me she didn't recognize me. When I showed her a picture of Todd she said he had a kind soul. When I showed her a picture of Jack and I from a vineyard, she lit up.

"He's the one, I'm telling you it's only a matter of time."

I got off the Reiki table buzzing. I walked home in a cloud of new found understanding. Someone once again had told me something about myself I didn't know. How wonderful to have that gift. 

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