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Chapter One


❝People like you sicken me.❞

IT WAS YOUR SECOND DAY in this new world called Devildom. You put on your demon slayer uniform, haori, and sword, getting ready for the day. Kaburamaru then took his place around your neck. MC was also done putting on their clothes which were sort of a weird outfit in your opinion.

Since it was weekend, MC decided to take you out to show you around the kingdom. You thought it was a kind gesture of them to take you out and show you around, after all you weren't their responsibility. MC turned to you and smiled, "Okay now. We will get breakfast then get going." They said as they took their bag with them. You nodded silently, preferring to be quiet for the meantime. You two left the room and made your way to the kitchen. However, when you passed the diningroom, you saw the demon brothers and Amelia chatting happily while eating breakfast. You frowned and stopped, realizing that they didn't actually call for MC to eat with them. In fact, there was no place for them on the table.

You know that MC was here before Amelia since they used to own the room she now sleeps in. Those demons should have called for MC, why where they ignoring their friend? Your fists cannot been seen because of your haori's long sleeves, but you clenched them out of anger. They seemed to not see or notice you standing there. MC noticed that you weren't following, "Y/N, are you coming?" They asked with a puzzled look, approaching you again. Your glare turned to them, "Why didn't they call you?" Upon hearing your question, MC's expressions turned to a sad one.

"I will explain later."

With that being said, they pulled your hand gently and dragged you to the kitchen with them. MC started to prepare some sandwiches for you and themselves then put them on the counter for you two to eat. They started to eat, "Go ahead, eat up." They spoke up, nodding their head toward the plate. You shook your head no, "I don't feel hungry right now." You monotonously said which made MC sweatdrop a bit, but they didn't question it any further. You weren't ready to remove the bandages and show the scar on your mouth, the last thing you needed was to get judged.

Just then, you heard footsteps appeared the kitchen and in walked Beelzebub. He smiled then waved before approaching you, "Hello MC, hello Y/N, what are you doing here?" He asked while scratching the back of his head. You glared at him sharply, "MC is having their breakfast in here because you didn't invite them to join you." You stated with a harsh voice tone and that made Beel confused. He stared at you then at MC, "Lucifer said that he will call you two." He explained, still confused with the whole situation.

Your glare sharpened, "That's why you demons shouldn't exist, you're all good at nothing but lying." Your tone was very harsh that it made Beel a bit frightful to even defend himself. MC quickly moved to help the poor gluttonous demon, "Y/N please, Beel is my friend and the only one I trust in the meantime." They explained, placing their hand on your shoulder. You turned to look at them with a raised eyebrow, "Elaborate."

"I will explain..."

MC proceeded to explain what happened to them briefly. It appeared that Amelia came to Devildom a few months after MC's arrival. She apparently was jealous of MC getting the brothers attention to themselves; thus, she started to plan a few things to get this attention to herself. Amelia pretended to be nice to MC when they both were with the brothers, but when they were alone, she would show her true colors. She even went as far as to accuse MC of bullying and hurting her which in turn made the brothers treat MC badly. You hate lying and cheating, you can never tolerate such unacceptable behavior from anyone.

"...Beel and some of my other friends are the only ones believe me." MC finished and looked away from you.

You narrowed your eyes in frustration, "You're weak, MC." You bluntly told them, taking both Beel and MC off guard. They looked at you with shock mixed with disappointment, "Why are you saying that to MC, Y/N?" Beel asked with a frown on his face. You rolled your eyes and shook your head, "The fact that you didn't defend yourself against such a lair is called weakness. Being nice and kind will only make you vulnerable to your enemies." You stated and MC understood what you meant. They have been overly nice to everyone that their friends pushed them aside, knowing that MC is way to kind to do something bad.

You have learned this throughout the years of being a demon slayer and a survivor. Being kind means you're weak and you didn't want to be like that. You were born to be strong, to fight and survive. You weren't going to allow such a frail feeling to show your vulnerability, not anymore. You weren't going to give your trust to someone that would use it your as a weapon against you. You must be as sharp and sly as a snake.

And that's what's going to happen.

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