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Chapter Eleven
Accepting the Feelings?


❝I pray that my purpose will purify my filthy blood.❞

BEEL WAS WITH HIS TWIN and Amelia to study as she proclaimed in the room he shared with Belphie. Amelia had insisted on studying together with Belphie and Beel as an excuse to get Beel to talk about his close friendship with you. Apparently, in the recent days, Amelia had suspected Beel catching feelings toward you. She wasn't sure about your feelings toward him, but she knew that you will eventually give in to your feelings.

Either way you were treat Beel differently than the rest of the brothers.

Beel on the other hand didn't like the fact that Amelia was with him and Belphie due to her harsh way of treating MC. He believed MC rather than Amelia because they would never hurt anyone even if they were jealous. Plus, he was going to take you out to eat, but he couldn't say no to her because he wasn't raised to be rude unlike some of his brothers. Belphie was literally dozing off while Beel chewing on some chips, totally bored out of his mind. Amelia had just finished her homework and was going to start a conversation with both brothers.

She closed her book and smiled, "Alright, we're done for today. What should we do now?" Amelia asked as she gave the two a smile. Belphie hugged his favorite pillow, "I'm so tired and sleepy." He said and then let out a yawn. Beel perked up and smiled happily, "Oh, I was planning to go eat out with Y/N." He said as he was about to stand up, but Amelia stopped him before he could even move. She was upset that he was going out with you yet she hid it behind a smile, "Uh... I think Y/N is busy with MC at the moment..." She trailed off before her smile turned a bit sly.

"Did you hear the news?"

Both Beel and Belphie looked at her with confusion, "What news?" Beel asked as he leaned forward slightly.

Now Amelia was going to pull the trigger, "Y/N has a love interest already." She claimed and crossed her arms. The two brothers exchanged glances before looking back at her, "How did you know?" Belphie was the first to ask. At this moment, the girl had a smug look, "Oh, Levi told me since he likes the anime and such. Y/N is deeply in love with that guy and it happened that he has a lot in common with you, Beel." She explained as she pointed at the gluttonous demon. Beel blinked a few times in puzzlement, "Like what? And what does this have to do with my friendship with Y/N?" He questioned.

"Simple! Both of you have a large appetite and both of you have a strong physique plus your personalities are almost the same. This might be the solid reason why Y/N is tolerating you as demon more than the rest, she even goes out with you. You remind her of her long lost lover."

Beel was silent as he thought about what Amelia had just said, were you really being this close to him because you considered him as a replacement of your love interest? Belphie frowned upon hearing what she had said, but this time he frowned because Amelia was literally messing with his brother's head and feelings, "Amelia, I need to talk with Beel... in private." He stated with a glare, emphasizing on the last part of his sentence. For a split second the girl was surprised, but she just smiled and stood up, "Okay, see you later guys." With that being said, she waved goodbye and left the twins' room. Her plan was working.

Belphie looked at his brother who was looking down at his hands, suddenly no longer feeling hungry, "Don't listen to her, she might be messing with you. Amelia might be our friend, but she has some suspicious shenanigans." He assured as he put his hand on Beel's shoulder. The orange haired male looked at the slothful demon with a look of uncertainty, "I don't know... I mean Y/N has been really nice to me in her own way. She even gifted me this." He stated, showing his brother his the phone that had the snake charm hanging from it.

"Do you like her?"

"... Huh?"

"Y/N can be ruthless at times, but there's something good in her. Plus, you seemed really eager to go eat with her a moment ago."

Upon hearing what Belphie had just said, Beelzebub went into deep thought. He couldn't deny the fact that he was intrested in you and your background story, but he knew that you hate talking about your past unless you warm up to him and tell him your story willingly. However, he still couldn't help but love your company whenever you ask him to hang out with you. Does this mean that he actually like you? Nevertheless, what Amelia had told him was stuck in his mind. Did you really tolerate Beel because he reminds you of Mitsuri or was Amelia faking this too? He would hate it if this was actually true, he had to talk to you about it.

Beel snapped out of his thoughts when he felt his hand being held by Belphie, "Are you alright, Beel?" The younger brother asked with a tired yet worried look. The gluttonous demon shook his head and forced a smile, "Yeah, I was just thinking about... something." He lied while trying his best to hide his nervousness and hesitation. Belphie didn't want to question it any further, but he can at least comfort his brother, "I'm not the one to say this, but do what you find it fit to you. Don't listen to anyone, even Amelia." He assured with a soft smile on his face.

Beel nodded and smiled at his twin brother, he will have to think about how he felt toward you later. He had to confront you about what Amelia had told him first.

But was he actually going to accept those feelings eventually?

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