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Chapter FifteenExposed Disguise

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Chapter Fifteen
Exposed Disguise


❝I pray that my purpose will purify my filthy blood.❞

"WHAT IS GOING ON here?" Lucifer was the first one to speak upon seeing Amelia crying, which you know was already fake.

Amelia limped to Lucifer and held into his arm, pretending that she was badly hurt. She sobbed in fear, "Thank goodness you came! Y/N was going to kill me!" Amelia proclaimed as she pointed an accusing finger at you. Lucifer sent you a glare, "Is that right, Y/N?" He questioned and crossed his arms. Before you could reply, Asmo spoke up first, "Oh dear, your leg is hurt." He stated while pointing at the red stain in her pants. Satan scoffed in anger, "Even your sword is stained with her blood. Don't you realize that she is a human just like you to use your blade on her?" He scolded rather harshly, making the rest of his brothers glare at you.

However, Beel only looked at you with hurt and disappointment.

"Told ya, we should have kicked her out long ago." Mammon added and then let out a tsk sound. Belphie yawned and scratched the back of his head, "And here I thought I would have a nice night." He mumbled, sleep slowly taking over him. Surprisingly, Levi preferred to stay silent for some reason. Lucifer raised his hand to shush his brothers, "Y/N, care to explain what happened?" He questioned, waiting in anticipation for your answer.

You let out a sigh, "Are you really that idiot? Can't you distinguish real emotions from fake ones? It's clear that she is pretending." You stated harshly, acting as if you were defending yourself.

"She is lying! She did hurt me. Her blade is covered with my blood!" Amelia retorted almost immediately.

"Can you tell us what happened?" Leviathan finally spoke up, looking slightly unsure if he should believe her or not. Amelia sobbed and nodded her head, "I-I was sitting here, minding my business when Y/N came to the living room. She started to scold me and mock me. When I stood for myself, she pulled her sword and attacked me. She and MC teamed on me." She claimed and gave false pretensions before covering her face to continue crying.

Asmodeus wrapped his arms around Amelia, pulling her in a hug, "Just how could you hurt her? You can't attack her with your sword because you don't tolerate her." He exclaimed with a frown on his face. Just then, MC barged in the living room, "This has to stop!" They exclaimed firmly.

"What is this all about, MC?" Lucifer asked as he looked straight at MC's eyes.

"Amelia is lying. She has always been lying to you, and I can prove it."

MC pulled out their phone and showed them a video of Amelia talking to you earlier, exposing her completely. Amelia looked troubled upon seeing that her plan was ruined, but she quickly denied it, "Th-This is not me! This footage is fake! I would never do such a thing, you know me!" She retorted, not noticing how panicked she was. Levi scoffed and moved to stand beside you, "I believe MC, this video is real." He declared and crossed his arms.

"Oi, Levi! What changed your mind so suddenly?" Mammon questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"If there's something I know about Y/N is that she would never use her blade against humans as stated in the anime websites. In fact, the organisation she works for forbids such a thing. Yes, she can use physical strength, but not anytime." Levi spoke up, looking certain of what he was saying. Everyone looked at Amelia, who was sweatdropping nervously, "G-Guys, you know me! I would never do such a thing, and Y/N did hurt me. Look at her blade. It has my blood." She tried to defend herself, but her facade was exposed already.

Lucifer crossed his arms and glared at the female, "So you have been fooling us this entire time, haven't you? This will not go undealt with by me and Lord Diavolo." He stated harshly and firmly. When you looked at MC, you could see that they were satisfied to finally receive their justice, "She has been lying to you all the whole time. She blamed me for things I hadn't done to her just because she was jealous of me for being close to you." They confirmed rather certainly, which made you all turn to Amelia. She looked very frustrated now that she could no longer hide her lies, "Alright! You have got me!" She exclaimed while gritting her teeth.

"Why did you do this?" The first to speak was Satan, who also wasn't pleased at what he heard.

"Obviously because I hated the attention you were giving to MC. You all always go to them and involve them in almost everything. I hated it, and I wanted to dispose of them in any way possible. But you ruined everything, Y/N. You have destroyed everything I built up."

You squinted your eyes at her and approached her, "The moment I saw you, I knew you were up to no good. You even went as far as to hurt Beel's feelings. People like you really disgust me." You spat with hatred toward her. The brothers frowned in disappointment at her. Both Beel and Belphie decided to keep their comments for them and went to their room. Mammon tsk-ed, "Can't believe I trusted ya." He mumbled before putting his hands in pockets before he also left.

"You're disgusting." Satan mumbled before he also left. Both Asmo and Levi went after him to return to their rooms. Lucifer let out a sigh and turned to MC, "On the behalf of my brothers and myself, I apologise to you for everything we had done to you. We were decived by her acts, and this is not an excuse to cover for ourselves. I hope you will forgive us." He uttered, his pride wavering slightly as he apologised to MC.

Your friend smiled and nodded their head, "It's okay, I know she was lying to you. It will take time, but I will eventually come over it." They stated as they scratched the back of their head. Lucifer smiled and agreed to what MC had said before turning to face Amelia with an unreadable look, "As for you, Amelia, you will be sent to the Human Realm. I will inform Lord Diavolo about your doings and will be discharged from the exchange program. As for now, you will remain in your room until further notice." He declared and grabbed Amelia by the arm to drag her with him to her room.

Now, it was only you and MC in the living room. MC smiled and hugged you, "Your plan worked, and now everyone knows the truth. Thank you so much." They said in gratitude, feeling happy that you had fixed their life. You were hesitant for a moment before you hugged them back, "No problem. This is the least I can do." You replied, your voice tone showing a hint of softness.

Only one thing left, you have to embrace your newfound feelings and talk to Beel.

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