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Epilog The Serpent and the Demon

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The Serpent and the Demon


❝I pray that my purpose will purify my filthy blood.❞

YOU WERE SPEECHLESS after hearing his confession. You never expected him to be so straightforward like that. In fact, you thought that he will be very nervous and stumble on his words that he will embarrass himself. Not to mention the kiss he gave you on the cheek, this was very daring.

Kaburamaru hissed happily, looking between you and Beel. The albino snake noticed your daze and tapped his head on your cheek to snap you out of your thoughts. You shook your head and looked at your slightly upset snake who was hissing nonstop at you, "Oh... Uh, sorry." You apologized as you stared down at the bandages in your hands. Beel sat there with a look of concern on his face. He feared that you would reject him after the effort he put to confess to you, "Y/N, I-..." He was about to speak when you stopped him by raising your hand.

"No need to explain." You started before shifting your gaze at him, "For a long time, I never thought that I will find someone who would love me for who am I. At first, it was Mitsuri and his charming personality. I thought that after he got killed, I wouldn't find another love to fill the emptiness he left. However, you proved me wrong. You made me feel like I shouldn't be harsh with you just by being yourself. Maybe it's the fact that you have desire to only eat, I can't actually put my hand on it." You finished before averting your gaze away from his eyes.

"I never thought in my life I would love a demon."

The moment you confessed, Beelzebub's eyes widened in utter disbelief. He was both happy and shocked that you share the same feelings as him, "Y-You do... love me back?" Beel asked, hoping that what you said would be true and not his ears failing him. What made him doubt it was the fact that you weren't blushing, but maybe it was due to your harsh life as a demon slayer. He waited patiently for your reply and he let out a sigh of relief when you nodded. Suddenly, you felt Beel wrap his arms around you, pulling you in a tight hug.

"Thank you, Y/N! I promise to never disappoint you."

You remained motionless for a couple of seconds before you wrapped your arms around him, "I know you won't because I trust you." You said with a faint smile on your lips.


The brothers along with MC and Simeon were all watching while hiding away from you and Beel. MC and Asmo squealed quietly as they watched you two, "They look so cute together!" Asmo whispered yelled, imagery hearts floating around him and MC. They nodded in agreement, "I know right!" MC stated while clasping their hands together.

"You two will expose us, quit the noise." Lucifer demanded firmly, sending a glare to his brother and friend. The two went silent and continued to watch without making any sound. Belphie was watching with a soft smile, feeling proud that his brother was happy with the one he chose. Meanwhile, Levi was comically crying as he recorded this moment as Lucifer requested, "Y/N is one of my favorite anime characters, but she ended up with Beel." He thought, having a face full of pain. On the other hand, Mammon and Satan were neutral about the matter and Simeon was just happy that the two got together finally. Just then...

"I can hear you all there."

They all froze upon hearing your voice, "Time to go." MC suggested before they ran back to the House of Lamentation. Everyone was glad that you and Beel got together after all of struggles and problems, but they knew you will not let them off the hook for eavesdropping.


It had been a few days since you  started dating Beel, the two of you got along pretty good. Everyone supported your relationship even though Beel was head over heels for food most of the time. However, you knew this was his nature, he was the avatar of gluttony after all.

Right now, you were with Beel in Hell's Kitchen. He was ordering food while you waited for him on the table, it was your first date after you two became an official couple. Also, it was your first time leaving Kaburamaru at home with MC. It felt weird, but you needed your privacy with Beel. Kaburamaru was a smart snake and he understood almost everything. A few minutes later, Beel returned with a tray filled with food, "I'm sorry for taking long." He spoke up, earing your attention. You shook your head in dismissal, "It's alright, I didn't notice that you took long." You replied calmly.

The gluttonous demon let out a sigh of relief and started to eat, but he noticed that you didn't order any food. Thus, he offered you a sandwich, "Here, you need to eat. I didn't see you have breakfast this morning." He told you, hoping that you wouldn't refuse his request. You sighed and then shook your head again, "Thank you, but I'm not hungry." You replied firmly which made Beel frown.

"What are you saying? You didn't eat anything, it's not good to starve yourself."

"Beel, I'm used to-..."

"Please, for me."

He was giving you those puppy eyes which made him look cute. You sighed again and took the sandwich from him, "Alright, I will eat it." You accepted his offer and that was enough to lighten your boyfriend's mood. Thankfully, you had on a normal mouth mask and were in a secluded table, so lowering the mask wasn't a problem. Both you and Beel enjoyed this simple meal together without any problems.

During your date, you and Beel went to different places. Of course, he was constantly getting hungry that you had to visit a lot of restaurants and food stalls. However, it wasn't a bad date since you were aware that Beel would be hungry all the time. When you returned home, MC didn't stop questioning you about how your first date went. They were very insisting that you were forced to answer their questions. Eventually, you retrieved back to your room in the attic. You liked it there since it was quiet and cozy, suitable for you. Kaburamaru was already asleep on his bedside because it was getting pretty late.

You changed your clothes and sat on your bed, "I know I'm doing the right thing when I decided to give my heart a chance to love again. Mitsuri will be glad that I started anew." You thought as small smile formed on your lips.

"Loving Beel doesn't mean I forgot about you, Mitsuri. I'm sure in another life, we will meet again and be together as we dreamed."

Even though you were with Beel, Mitsuri will never be forgotten. Who knows, maybe you will have a chance to meet him again in a new life... After all, he was your first love. Right now, you will focus on being happy with Beel and share a beautiful love story.


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