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Chapter Fourteen
Clear Confession


❝I pray that my purpose will purify my filthy blood.❞

YOU SIGHED AND SHOOK your head as MC insisted on you to help them study for the upcoming exam. You were chilling in the livingroom and cleaning your sword since the brothers were all gone and Amelia wasn't there too, that was until MC decided to interrupt your quality time.

"Come on, Y/N. It will only take an hour."

"I have said it, I'm not-..."

You couldn't finish your sentence upon seeing their pleading eyes, "MC stop that." You demanded rather harshly, hoping that they would stop. However, they didn't and even blinked their eyes a few times, "Pretty please." They begged as they clasped their hands together. You hated that you can't refuse a request from MC since they were such a big help to you during your stay here. You sighed for the second time and nodded, "Alright, I will help you out even though I don't know how." You replied and stood up. MC cheered happily once hearing your answer, "Yes! Thank you! Let's go to the library." They exclaimed before grabbing your hand and pulling you with them.

'Unbeknown' to you that someone was watching the whole time. Amelia stepped into the livingroom and saw your sword placed on the couch unsheathed unintentionally. She smirked and picked up your sword, "What a weird looking sword, it's wavy like a snake. It's still suitable though." She mumbled, an evil plan forming in her head. She could use this to frame you for assault and with that the brother will most likely kick you out of the house without a second thought. With that in her mind, she took the sword and went to her room.


You and MC made your way back to the livingroom to retrieve your sword. MC sweatdropped and scratched the back of their head, "I didn't mean to make you leave your sword behind, I'm really sorry." They apologized with a nervous smile on their face. You hummed in annoyance, "You're lucky no one is around to take it." You spoke up, approaching the couch where you sat an hour ago.

However, you didn't find your Nichirin blade anywhere and just found the sheath. You closed your eyes, knowing that your plan has worked perfectly. Yet again you need to keep your act in order to make Amelia fall in your trap. You turned around to face MC, putting on a fake frown, "My sword is gone." You stated as you crossed your arms. MC immediately understood what you meant and started to play along, "What do you mean? There's no one here beside you and me, it won't just disappear." They said while acting oblivious to the fact that Amelia has took it.

"I don't know and don't care, all I know is that I need my sword back." You demanded rather harshly that it almost made MC believe that it was real. They quickly composed themself and continued to act, "Okay, you look around here while I look in the library." They stated before running out to go to the library. You started to act like you were looking around the livingroom and act all frustrated because your sword were missing. Just then...

"Looking for this, perhaps?"

Upon hearing the voice you hate the most, you frowned. However, this meant that Amelia was already fooled. You turned around and saw your blade her hand, stained with red paint. However, there was a big red stain on her pants near her thigh and it was also ripped slightly, "Hand over the sword." You ordered as you held your hand toward her. Amelia laughed and made her way toward you, "Well, it would be funny to playing around with it. However, it could hurt someone, you know." She stated, taking your hand and placed the sword in your grasp. You knew she would do this to you; thus, you needed to drag her to speak and say her reason.

Kaburamaru went already to bring MC to secretly record her confession. You squinted your eyes and held your sword tightly, "Seriously now, who would believe that this paint is real?" You questioned as if acting dumb. Amelia giggled in amusement, "Well, those idiot brothers of course. They would believe anything I say." She uttered while not noticing MC taking a video of them talking. You tsk-ed in anger, "What's your reason? Why are you doing this to me and MC?" You questioned while trying to maintain your calmness. The girl chuckled and shook her head, "Isn't it clear? I want their attention to me. I'm sick of them complimenting and taking MC's opinion in everything, I had to change this once and for all." She exclaimed in frustration, her fists clenched tightly.

"I worked hard to push MC out of the picture by some simple good lies and have the brothers' focus on me... That's until YOU appeared and they were head over heels to get your attention, especially Beel."

"You have done so much to hurt him."

Amelia smirked and shrugged her shoulders, "I have done it, yes. In order to keep Beel away from you, I needed to shatter the hope he has to get close to you. I wanted him to see that you're only close to him because you only see your old lover in him. This will be enough to make him believe that you were using him and we all know how fragile Beel is when it comes to such topics." She finished, sarcasm dripping from her tongue. What she said made you see how disgusting she is, all of this just for attention. You were going to stop her right now, right here.

Before you could say anything, Kaburamaru slithered his way up to your shoulders and hissed in certain patterns. You gazed at the livingroom entrance and saw that MC was gone which means that the brothers had arrived to the house. The main door opened and the brothers walked in with their usual loud chat. Amelia smirked evilly at you, "It's time to kick you out as well. I can now say, farewell Y/N."

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