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Chapter Nine
Curious Young Lord


❝I prey that my purpose will purify my filthy blood.❞

EVERYONE WAS QUIET AFTER the demon prince had introduced him to you. The butler had already went to prepare some tea for you three. Diavolo blinked a few times, still having that happy smile on his face.

He leaned slightly forward, "So Y/N, I was told that you are a demon slayer. Is that right?" He asked first, trying to break the ice wall between you two. You stared at him for a few seconds before you replied, "Yes. Technically used to be." You replied with a short answer, making both Diavolo and Lucifer share a look of confusion. Lucifer cleared his throat and composed himself, "How come? You have never told us about this?" Upon hearing his question, you gave him a side glare.

"Not interested in sharing personal information." Was your rather harsh reply.

Lucifer squinted his eyes slightly, completely displeased by your rude answer. However, you have all the rights to keep this small detail to yourself. Diavolo clapped his hands to get your attention, "I got you, so you used to be a demon slayer. However, do you have a certain rank? Seeing that you have a basic uniform, you're probably a part of an organization." He pointed out while being very curious about your work. You nodded your head, "I'm at the highest rank, I'm the Serpent Hashira." When you stated your rank, Diavolo's eyes sparkled in awe. He laughed in excitement, "A high rank! This means that you're very skilled in combat!" He exclaimed with a big smile on his face.

Diavolo asked you different questions about the Demon Slayer Corps and the demons in your world, you could tell that he was very curious to know more and more about you. Thankfully, he was very considerate and didn't ask about your personal life or why you were covering your mouth which was a relief to you. This guy has a really nice aura and you didn't want to be rude to him more than that. The last thing you want was to repeat the same mistake with Beel. However, he was overly nice that anyone could use it to their advantages. You just hoped that Amelia didn't infect him with her lies.

You snapped out of your thoughts when you heard Diavolo speak again, "Can I get a look at your sword?" He politely requested, pointing at the sword attached to your waist. You thought of it for a moment before you pulled your sword out of its sheath and handed it to him. Diavolo was mesmerized by your sword, a wavy lavender blade, "Wow, this is a very unique sword." He said as he gently held the sword to inspect it more. Lucifer seemed to be very intrested in your blade as well since he moved to get a closer look at it, "It somehow matches the body of the snake, unique indeed." He stated as his eyes landed on the engraved words at the bottom of your sword.

Destroyer of the Demons.

"Whomever had forged this sword must be really talented, it doesn't look like any normal sword at all." Diavolo marveled, his hand running up the blade to feel its steel. Lucifer hummed while placing his hand on his chin, "What kind of blade is that? It even had a color in it that's obviously not painted on it." He asked and averted his gaze at you.

"This is called Nichirin Blade or the Color Changing Sword. The color appears according to the skill and type of breathing style the user has. For example, Water Breathing makes the sword blue. These swords are forged from a unique ore that constantly absorbs sunlight, one of the only major weaknesses of demons in my world." You explained as simply as you can, but this only raised more questions in Diavolo's head.

"What's a breathing style? How do you apply it to defeat demons?"

You sighed and proceeded to explain everything to him. Everytime you explain something, more questions come out. He was very curious to know about your organization and the demons. It irritated you, but you remained calm for the sake of not lashing out at Kyojuro's clone. Barbatos came and served you all tea as Diavolo still continued to ask you more questions until he was done with knowing everything about your work. He told you a bit about Devildom and you didn't ask much about it since MC and Beel did the job already.

After a few minutes, it was time for you to leave. You all stood by the door to bid goodbye to the demon prince, "Well, it was a very interesting meeting, Y/N. I hope you would visit me again soon." He said with a big cheerful smile while you just nodded your head in agreement. Kaburamaru hissed in agreement as well, accepting Diavolo as a new friend. The said demon chuckled and petted the snake's head lightly, "Your snake is so friendly, I like it."

"His name is Kaburamaru, he is my friend."

"Oh that's nice!"

Eventually, you and Lucifer left the castle as Diavolo waved you goodbye. Barbatos chuckled behind his master, "Well, isn't she a special lady, my lord?" He spoke up with an amused tone. Diavolo nodded, agreeing with his butler, "She sure is. Well, let's get back to work! I got tons of paperwork to do!" Diavolo stated then walked inside. Barbatos sighed and then smiled, shaking his head.

"Let's see what you have in store, Y/N."

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