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Chapter Sixteen Talk in the Park

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Chapter Sixteen
Talk in the Park


❝I pray that my purpose will purify my filthy blood.❞

IT HAD BEEM A FEW days since you had exposed Amelia. The girl was permanently expelled from school and kicked out of Devildom once and for all. The demon brothers apologized to MC after the false accusions Amelia stated.

Life was back to normal, but not to you yet. Beel was still avoiding you during these days, and everyone noticed it. You didn't push him to talk to you and gave him the space he needed. You knew he was still overwhelmed by everything that happened to him and the truth he discovered. You didn't blame him, though. It was quite understandable that he needed time to get his mind wrapped around the recent events. However, MC had other things planned in their head for you and Beel.

Right now, you were with Simeon, who requested you to accompany him somewhere you don't know, "It's quite nice to have all those problems dealt with, don't you think so, Y/N?" He spoke up, breaking the silence between you two. You hummed calmly, "It's because the cause of the problem is finally gone." You replied in a monotonous voice. Simeon sweatdropped at your blunt answer and the reference you used to describe Amelia. He chuckled nervously, "You're right." That was all he said before you two went silent again.

"Where are you taking me?"

Your question took Simeon off guard, and he slightly flinched. He forced a smile yet didn't look at you, "Oh... Uh, It's just that I need something from the store nearby, and I thought this could be a good way to get your mind off things." He told you, hating that fact that he was forced to lie, but it was for the greater good... right? Anyway, you didn't question it and just continued to follow him to wherever he was going. You two walked for a few minutes before you reached a park. Suddenly, Simeon's phone rang, and he pulled it out, "Oh, it's Luke. I need to answer that. Why don't you sit on that bench while you wait for me? I will check on him and return quickly." He didn't give you a chance as he sat you down on the bench and went to answer the call.

You sat there and looked up at the dark sky, "The sky is beautiful, right Kaburamaru?" You asked, giving your snake friend a pat on his small head. The white snake hissed in reply before nuzzling his head against your cheek. You closed your eyes and let out a sigh, "It has been a while... I still miss you, but it's time to move on." You thought while opening your eyes once again, but to your surprise, you saw Beel standing a few feet away from you. He looked slightly surprised and hesitant at the same time. You blinked a few times before speaking up, "Good evening." You greeted him calmly.

Beelzebub shook his head to snap out of his shook, "Um... H-Hi..." He trailed off, scratching the back of his head. You petted the empty space beside you, motioning him to sit beside you. At first, Beel was unsure of what to do, but he eventually decided to sit beside you. The two of you sat in silence... Well, it was more awkward to Beel.

"So, what brought you here?"

"Huh? Uh, MC called me and said they wanted to meet me here. What about you?"

"I came with that angel... Simeon, his name, I guess."


You realized that this was definitely a plan that MC made for you and Beel to meet up. Beel looked away from you for a moment. He didn't know what to say next or what topics he could share with you. He wanted so desperately to tell you about how he felt about what Amelia had told him. He wanted to hear the truth from you and tell him that you never got close to him because he had some similarities to Mitsuri. It wasn't like he hated it. Beel just felt like he it was the only reason you got close to him. He wanted you to tell him that you liked him for himself and his personality. Beel was about to speak, but you beat him into it.

"You're still thinking about what that girl told you, hm?" You asked as you turned your head around to look at him. Beel was taken aback by your question, yet he still thought that you deserved to know his opinion about this matter. He let out a deep sigh and nodded his head, "I'm going to be honest with you, I'm still thinking about what she said." He confessed with sadness on his face. You hummed and nodded your head in understanding, "I see. Let me guess, you think I tolerate you because you're a lot like Mitsuri, right?" You stated firmly, earing a nod from him as a reply.

You crossed your arms and leaned back against the bench, "You and Mitsuri aren't the same. Even if you do have something in common, you're still different. Mitsuri is more naive and childish. He focused on finding true love and getting married. He also had insecurities about his strength, hair color, and big appetite. He feared that nobody was going to accept him for his personality, but you..." You trailed off, averting your gaze at him.

"You're innocent and don't have those insecurities. You take life simply and never overthink situations. You don't take others' opinions seriously and just do what you find right. Yes, you two eat a lot and are strong in body, but you two are way too different than you think."

The gluttonous demon went speechless. He didn't take into consideration talking to you because he believed what Amelia had told him. Beel was scared that you would confirm what she had said since he wasn't ready to handle heartbreak, but he had to eventually discover the truth whether he likes it or not. The two of you sat quietly after you were done explaining your side of the story. Now, you were only waiting for Beel's reply to see his thoughts of this situation.

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