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Chapter Eight
The Demon Lord


❝I pray that my purpose will purify my filthy blood.❞

TODAY YOU WERE GOING somewhere you don't know with Lucifer. He didn't give you any details at all, he just said that you had to put on your uniform and sword. You were right now with MC who was neatly holding your haori as you fixed the white belt around your waist.

"So he didn't tell you where he is taking you?" They spoke up, breaking the silence between you two. You hummed as a reply and then moved to take the haori from your friend. MC thought with puzzlement since it was weird for Lucifer to take someone out, "That's strange... Oh! What if he was going to take you meet the demon lord?" Upon hearing them saying this, one of your eyes twitched. You turned around to face MC, "What do you mean meeting the demon lord?" You asked while looking at them with a death glare that made your friend flinch, it seemed they had reached a sensitive topic.

MC waved their hands in dismissal, "No no, there's no need to be alerted at all! He is not like THAT demon lord, he is kind and nice, I assure you." They corrected themselves quickly, indicating that you didn't need to worry. You calmed down a bit and returned to put on your haori, "I will see for myself." That was all you said as Kaburamaru seated himself around your shoulders. MC let out a sigh of relief when they knew that you won't hurt him, the last thing they wanted to hear is you decapitating the demon king.

After preparing yourself, you bid MC goodbye and went downstairs to meet with the prideful demon. Once you reached there, you saw Lucifer waiting by the door. He slightly perked up when he saw you approaching him, "You're finally done, let's get going." That was all he said before you two walked out of the house. The walk was quiet just like how you prefer it, you weren't going to talk with him at all, at least if he didn't speak with you first. Kaburamaru hissed to you as if telling you that he hated following after this demon. You quietly sighed and petted his head as a way to tell him it will be over soon. Just then...

"May I know why your behavior is so harsh with Amelia?"

Lucifer finally spoke up, directly questioning your way of acting with Amelia. You mentally rolled your eyes and restrain yourself from giving him a harsh remark, "Has she been complaining about me?" You replied with a question of your own. You heard Lucifer sigh deeply, "She has told me that you has been insulting her recently along with MC because you two dislike her." He explained with a frown. For now, you won't give a clear answer to him. If he wanted to believe that Amelia is the victim then so be it.

"It's none of your business if I like her or dislike her. I know when I will tolerate her existence around me."

Lucifer was speechless upon hearing what you had just said, he never expected such a reply from him. He decided to remain quiet for the rest of the walk.



ou and Lucifer sat in a luxurious livingroom, waiting for this demon lord that will meet you. There was a butler with green hair along with you in the room, you knew that his name was Barbatos and oddly he looked a bit suspicious.

The butler offered you a kind smile, "I will inform the lord of your visit." He said and then excused himself to go and bring the demon lord. You just hoped that this demon lord doesn't have that perfection-complex issue. You were fascinated by the place, but you didn't show it to anyone. You preferred to remain neutral and never show any kind of emotion right now. Suddenly...

"Welcome my dear guests, I'm so pleased to have you here in my humble residence!"

A loud voice boomed through the room followed by a laughter. When you looked at the newcomer, you saw a red haired man with gold eyes and wore a red uniform. Surprisingly, you can feel a cheerful aura emitting from his figure. When he saw you, he gave you a big smile, "You must be Y/N, it's very nice to meet you! I'm Diavolo, the next ruler of Devildom!" He introduced himself to you with a bit of pride. You stared at his eyes, taking in his facial expression. His demeanor and cheerfulness reminded you of the only person you considered as an older brother to you. This Diavolo guy was just like Kyojuro and you can definitely pinpoint the similarities between them both. Even Kaburamaru agreed as he hissed with delight.

Maybe MC was right, this demon lord was nothing like the one from your world.

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