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Chapter Seven
A Gift


❝People like you sicken me.❞

"WHAT?" MC EXCLAIMED in surprise after you told them what happened in their absence. You two sat in their room, discussing what to do next with Amelia. You sighed and crossed your arms.

MC rubbed their face as they groaned in annoyance, "Amelia has passed the boundaries, it's clear she is now after you just like me." They stated with a huff. You didn't understand why she was trying to disturb your semi peaceful life, what was she trying to gain from you? You looked at MC with a blank look, "I don't understand why she is doing this, but if she is going further with her ridiculous actions, I will have to take the matter on my own." You firmly stated, a dark shadow casted over your face.

MC sighed and nodded in agreement, "Let's forget about her for now, what about Beel?" They asked with a bit of concern. Beel was the only one that actually supported MC and stood by their side when his brothers abandoned them for Amelia. He was there when MC needed support, when the demon brothers stood against them. Thus, it was reasonable for them to get worried about their friend's feeling. You closed your eyes and hummed, "I apologized, but I feel like I missed something in my apology." You replied as you opened your turquoise and yellow eyes.

Your friend thought for a moment, trying to get what you meant. Just then, an idea popped in their head, "I know! Why don't you invite Beel to a restaurant or something? You can get him a gift beforehand, what do you think?" They suggested with excitement, a big smile plastered on their face. You thought of it for a moment, contemplating the idea of taking Beel out and giving a gift for a more proper apology. You once did this, but you asked Mitsuri to accompany you to the restaurant and there you gave him his green striped socks as a gift from you. Maybe you can try it and like this you would redeem yourself from this burden bothering you.

You nodded in agreement, "I will give it a try, but what should I get him? I don't know much of his likes."

"Don't worry, Beel likes anything as long as it's a gift from a friend."

With that set in mind, you two decided to plan what gift you were going to give him. You just hoped you weren't making a mistake or doing something you will regret later.


You and Beel were in one of the many restaurants that was called Hell's Burger. You didn't eat anything, but Beel was actually stuffing his mouth with food. You were staring outside the window while Kaburamaru was staring with shock at Beel.

You weren't the type to show emotions directly, but you could always try. You weren't THAT heartless.

Beel looked at you with puzzlement, "Won't you eat?" He spoke up after swallowing the food in his mouth. You leaned your head on your hand, "I hate showing my scar to the public, I eat in private." You declared bluntly with a bit softer tone. The gluttonous demon hummed in understanding and took a bite from his burger, "By the way, why did you bring me here? Not to offend you or anything, I'm just curious." He asked, continuing to eat his sandwiches. You sighed and turned around to face him, "Are you still upset about what happened yesterday?" You asked with a monotonous voice.

Beel looked at you with confusion, "You apologized and said you're sorry, why would I stay upset?" He asked you back, confusion evident on his face. You sighed and turned away from him, "I just felt like it wasn't enough, so I brought you here." You declared which made Beel understand the purpose of you two being here together. He smiled gently upon your kind gesture, it was rare of you to ask someone out even if it was for just an apology.

"I assure you, Y/N, I'm not upset at all. We're good."

You nodded and pulled out the small gift MC had chosen for you from your pocket. It was a small phone charm that's shaped as a cute white snake. You held it toward him, "This is a small gift for you. It's nothing much, but it will remind you of me if I ever found a way back to my world." Beel took the charm and looked at it with awe, the snake looked a little like Kaburamaru. He looked you with a big smile, "Thank you! I promise to take care of it!" He enthusiastically exclaimed, holding the charm gently in his hands.

"There's no need to do so."


When Beel looked at you, he saw you looking outside the window, "You don't have to take care of it. If you lose it, I will get you another one." You declared as your tone returned to be emotionless. Beel stared at the back of your head with puzzlement, but deep down he will keep his promise and never lose such a wonderful gift from you. This meant so much to him and made him feel something strange that he didn't understand, but he didn't think much of it. He decided to enjoy this moment with you and think of the other things later.

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