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Chapter Five
Under the Mask


❝People like you sicken me.❞

THREE MONTHS HAS PASSED and some events happen during your stay with the brothers. One of was the development of the relationship between you and Beel, you started to tolerate him more than the others. You couldn't deny the fact that he was rather adorable and pure minded. However, MC was still the top of your trustworthy list, their kindness overpowered anything bad they had.

Levi was trying his best to get on your good side since you were an actual anime character that appeared out of his tv. Asmo was also so desperate to get to know, not just your personality, but also... the other sides of you. You and Lucifer weren't on good terms at all as you didn't like his demanding and controlling demeanor. Satan, Mammon, and Belphie avoided you the best they could yet they would every now and then strike a conversation with you. Simeon was simply tolerable along with Luke who was head over heels to be your friend. However, Solomon was on the list of the people you don't like due to him being shady plus he is on Amelia's side. You still haven't met the demon lord and his butler yet, Lucifer was planning on introducing you to them.

Amelia... You didn't like her at all, she was no different than any of the demons you fought. It was better if she was a demon to be honest.

Speaking of which, Amelia walked into the livingroom where all of the brothers were with smirk on her face. It was time to put her first plan on action. She approached Beel, having a sweet smile now, "Beel, I think I heard Y/N calling you. She might need your help." She lied, pretending to be all nice and sweet. The gluttonous demon looked at her with puzzlement and slight distrust. One thing Beel knew about you was that if you really needed him for something, you would come to him. Maybe you were extra busy to go to him? Beel didn't want to believe Amelia yet he was hesitant, what if you actually called him?

"I think you should go and check on her." Lucifer stated as he closed the book in his hands. Beel shrugged and went to check on you as Lucifer instructed. He went to the room you shared with MC, too bad they were in the Purgatory Hall for a sleepover with Luke. Once he reached there, he noticed that the door was slightly open. He took a small peek and found no one in the room which puzzled him, "Huh? Where is Y/N? Amelia said she called" He thought while raising an eyebrow. He opened the door more and took a step inside. However, once he walked in, you had came out of the bathroom... without the bandages around your mouth.

When you and Beel made eye contact, you both froze. The demon was surprised to see the scar on your mouth, it was clear that your mouth was slit open. Kaburamaru who was on your shoulders hissed angrily while your shock was replaced with a sharp glare as you covered your mouth. Beel took a step forward, "Y/N, wh-what-..."


Your cold order made the gluttonous demon's eyes widen more, he couldn't find words to say, he was just opening and closing his mouth without anything to utter. You narrowed your eyes to sharpened the glare more, "I said LEAVE!" You ordered once more, this time anger evident in your voice. Beel found himself nodding and turned to leave, but you stopped him, "If you tell anyone about what you saw, I won't hesitate to cut your head off." You threatened which in turn scared Beel so much. He quickly left and went directly to his room, closing the door behind him.

He didn't know why he felt that weird force coming from you that made him feel afraid of you, something was different. As if you didn't want him to see you like this. Yes you were cold toward him and his brother, but your anger was another level. Your glare could have murdered him if looks kill. However, that wasn't the main question. What made Beel wonder was why did Amelia tell him that you called him? It was clear that you were surprised to see him while in fact you expected no one to enter the room. Plus the door was open and you would never leave it open just like how MC does. The scar and the way it was shaped on both sides of your mouth stuck in his head, it looked terrifying. He could imagine the amount of pain you went through when you first received it. It was obvious you didn't want anyone to see it, Beel could tell by how upset you were. He will give you some time alone and when you calm down, he will tell you the truth.

But who had done this to you? Also why did Amelia lie to him? All those unanswered questions left Beel confused, hopefully you don't hate after this night.

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