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Chapter Three


❝People like you sicken me.❞

A FEW WEEKS HAD PASSED since your arrival to Devildom. You warmed up to MC and became close friends, but you still acted coldly toward them. MC knew that this was your own personality and they can't change it as they please. Plus, it was kinda impossible to make you act nice to everyone. Well, not in the meantime.

Surprisingly, the brothers were trying to get close to you. However, knowing your hatred toward demons in general, it was difficult to go past the many walls you put between them and you. Even Amelia wasn't able to be close to you as MC even though she was a human like you. However, they discovered some new sides of your personality beside the coldness. One of them was that you showed great care toward MC and Kaburamaru. The other thing was that you were highly strict with almost everything, especially when it comes to your morals and beliefs. Right now, all of the brothers were gathered in diningroom along with Amelia to eat their dinner. You and MC were in their room, doing whatever you two were doing. The room was very quiet, aside from the slight clicking sounds of the forks on the plates.

That was until Satan broke the silence, "Hey Levi, can you tell us more about Ms. Strict?" He spoke up, referring to you. He gave you this nickname after seeing how strict you were. Levi looked at him with confusion before realizing that his brother was talking about you, "I'm not quite sure about this. I mean, the anime is just up to season 3 and they only and briefly showed Y/N in season 1 and 2. I'm confident that the manga will explain more, but this will need a trip to the human realm." He explained then took a bite from his food. The brothers went quiet upon hearing Levi's answer.

"I don't know, but I kinda can sense rage in her." Satan added, placing his hand on his chin.

Lucifer hummed as he placed the knife and fork on the table, "It must have something to do with the demons in her world that caused her rage." He stated and crossed his arms. Amelia frowned upon seeing how the brothers were talking about you and taking interest in you. She was relieved when they ignored MC, now she had to deal with you too. Although some small and innocent tricks can make you fall exactly like MC. She cleared her throat to speak up, "I'm pretty sure you can find something on the internet." Amelia stated, pretending to be interested as well.

Levi shrugged his shoulders, "Probably. By the way, did you all know that Y/N has a love interest?" Upon hearing what Levi said, literally everyone chocked. Mammon wiped his mouth, "Love interest? I doubt it with her 'friendly' personality." He mockingly said while raising an eyebrow. "Don't be like that! Even love can get through the coldest of hearts~" Asmo sang as clenched his hands together and placing them on his cheek. Levi nodded in agreement, "Yeah, it was clearly showed in season three how she cared about him. But do you know what's strange? Y/N's love interest has a very close similarity to Beel." He said, pointing the fork at his little brother.

Beel who was stuffing his mouth with food stopped and looked at Levi in puzzlement. That was when Belphie decided to interfere, "What do you mean?" He asked with literal displeasure.

"His name is Kanroji Mitsuri. His similarity with Beel is that they both eat a lot, like a lot! And the two also have an abnormally strong physical strength."

That for some reason gave Lucifer an idea. Maybe having Beel around you will let you at least understand that they were harmless and different unlike the demons you fought. After making his mind, Lucifer opened his mouth to speak, "Alright then, since Beel is somehow close this Mitsuri in some aspects, he can help Y/N know that we are not what she thinks." He declared. Everyone pondered the thought and found it logical somehow, but Belphie decided to protest, "You must be kidding me... You can't just let Beel get close to that Demon Slayer!" He exclaimed, completely displeased by his brother's decision.

"Belphie is right! You're putting Beel in a dangerous situation!" Satan added, joining Belphie's side.

Beel was still confused as to why he would be in danger. He spent sometime with you and MC, you didn't do anything to him... well not yet anyways. He watched his brothers argue about the matter and he didn't like it one bit. Just then, Amelia butted in, "Guys, please calm down! Let Beel decide what he wants to do." She suggested and everyone turned to the orange haired demon. "So Beel, whatcha gonna decide?" Asked Mammon, leaning back on his seat. Beel nervously looked at his siblings and Amelia, thinking deeply of what to do. He felt that you weren't THAT harmful to thing that didn't hurt you. You would show hatred, yes, but he knew he can tolerate that. You won't be harsh on him all the time and for no reason if he showed nothing but kindness exactly like MC.

Beel nodded with a determined look, "Okay, I will look after Y/N. But you all have to buy me extra meal everyday." Belphie looked at his twin with concern, "Are you sure this is what you want?" He questioned as he tried to look for uncertainty in his brother's eyes. Beel smiled and nodded with confidence, making Belphie sigh.

All of them didn't notice the evil smirk on Amelia's face. Now she can initiate her plan of putting you in problems.


Author Note:
Hello my beloved readers!!
I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Anyway, I need your help. I need some ideas of what might Amelia do to put Beel in danger when he is with Y/N. Like causing Y/N to lose her cool and insult Beel. I would really appreciate it if you help me, I'm running out of ideas. Thank you all♡♡

Until we meet again!

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