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Chapter Ten
Anime Fanboy


❝I pray that my purpose will purify my filthy blood.❞

YOU WERE BEING DRAGGED by the avatar of envy, Leviathan or better yet known as Ruri-chan lover. He wanted to spend some time with you and ask you about the events of your fight against the demons since he got the anime up to season three and didn't get the full manga yet. However, Levi didn't know that you were oblivious to the fact that you didn't that acknowledge you were a part of an anime show.

Right now, you were sitting in Levi's room, looking completely displeased. You were just going to make something to eat, but this demon had to come and drag you along with him. You didn't know why he wanted to talk with you and you didn't care to begin with. You crossed your arms as you waited for Levi to finish turning on the TV. After he was done with the TV then went to sit beside you, "So Y/N, I have so many questions for you. Are you willing to answer them?" He honestly requested with excitement. You sighed deeply and nodded, "As long as you will let me out of here." You bluntly stated while glaring sharply at him, but Levi wasn't fazed by it because he was very excited to know some details about the anime.

He thought for a moment about a question, "How did you become a Hashira?" He asked his first question. You hummed and thought for a moment, "I was very ragous in my days as a low rank demon slayer, so I killed a lot of demons due to my hatred toward them. Next question." You replied straightforward, making Levi sweatdrop. He composed himself and thought of the second question, "Okay... How didn't you make it in time to the Entertainment District?" He asked again, but this time surprising you.

"How did you know about this?"

"Huh? From the anime."

You frowned in frustration, "Are you fooling me? What is that?" Levi then realized something, you didn't know that you were actually a fictional character. Now he has to think of a way to tell the harsh truth that your world and all of its events aren't real. You were growing impatient while waiting for the envious demon to tell you what he meant by anime. Levi took in a deep breath, "Y/N... what you're about to know is going to be a bit harsh, okay?" He spoke up, carefully choosing his words. You squinted your eyes as Kaburamaru hissed, "Just speak." You ordered with a firm tone.

"You're from a fictional story called Kimetsu No Yaiba or Demon Slayer, the world and events are all unreal. We watch all of the show on the TV or read it in the comics."

You frowned deeply and crossed your arms, "I don't believe this, how can you prove it?" You asked in a demanding way. Levi didn't say anything and just grabbed the remote control, pressing the play button so the episode would start. The episode started with three familiar faces, Tanjiro, Muichiro... and Mitsuri. Your eyes slightly widened in utter disbelieve as you watched the theme song playing, he was saying the truth... You were just a fictional character.

"Wait, so all of our pain and suffer are just a way of entertainment for you to enjoy?"

Levi hissed in guilt, regretted asking you this question to begin with. His answer made you feel like everything you did was just a joke. You clenched your fists tightly, trying not to do or say anything harsh to Levi. The said demon frowned sadly, "Y/N, I'm-..." You cut him off by raising your hand. You stood up and turned around to leave, "For the first time, I regret asking you to prove it." With that being said, you left the room. Levi sighed deeply and stopped the episode, "I also regret telling her, I'm such a stupid demon."


You sat alone on the porch in the backyard, thinking of everything Leviathan had told you. Kaburamaru hissed in sadness, rubbing his face against your cheek as a way to sooth you.

"It's all a lie... Everything is fake, even Mitsuri."

You took in a deep breath and closed your eyes. Just then, a hand was placed on your shoulder. You opened your eyes and looked up to see MC smiling down at you, "Hey, you seem so down. What's wrong?" They asked as they sat down beside you. You let out a sigh and kept your head down, "What would you do if you discovered that your life is all fake?" You asked, making MC scoff in realization that you had finally discovered that you lived in anime. They hummed and looked up at the moon, "Well, I would be upset, but at least I had a life even if it was fake." They tried their best to assure you.

"My life and misery are used to entertain others, how can I accept this?"

"Look at the bright side, you're a very known character, Y/N. Everyone admires you and adores the ship between you and Mitsuri. I will show you."

You looked up and saw MC pulling out their phone. They searched for something before showing it to you, "What is that?" You asked, staring at people dressed like you. MC smiled and proceeded to explain, "These are called cosplayers, they like to dress as you and other characters. Even if your life was fake as you called, a lot of people wish that you're real." For some reason, what MC said made you feel slightly better. You looked at them with soft eyes, "Thank you, MC. You're a very kind person." You genuinely said in gratitude which made MC happy.

They laughed and wrapped their arm around your shoulders, pulling you close, "No problem, friend." You were just glad that you have them as a friend, their kindness had effected you a lot that you couldn't help but love it.

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