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Chapter Four
The Purgatory Hall


❝People like you sicken me.❞

YOU FOLLOWED AFTER BEEL who wanted you to meet some of his friend who were also exchange students from other realms. At first, you strictly refused to follow a demon, but MC actually convinced you to go with him. They proclaimed that Beel is completely harmless and that he is very adorable and nice.

You didn't take these qualities in consideration, a demon is a demon.

Yet again, you trust MC and you know they wouldn't lie to you. Just in case, you brought your sword along. You glared at Beel who was eating a bag of chips, "Where are you taking me?" You spoke up, breaking the silence between you two. Beel hummed and swallowed the chips, "We are going to the Purgatory Hall where my friends are staying, I'm sure you will like them." He explained, eating another piece of chip. You rolled your eyes, "If they're demons, I will never like them." You retorted with a firm tone.

"Oh, but they're not demons. Two of them are angels and one is a human."

You didn't reply and decided to just follow him to this Purgatory Hall place. After a couple of minutes, you two reached the said place. Beel knocked on the wooden door. You waited for moments before the door opened and a brown haired male stood there. He had a soft smile on his face, you can feel that weird aura emitting from him. He for sure wasn't a demon, "Ah, hello Beel. It's very nice to see you... and your new friend here. Please come in." He politely greeted, moving aside to let you and Beel enter. The guy led you to the livingroom, you and Beel took a seat before the brunette guy spoke up, "So Beel, would you like to introduce your friend? I'm sure we haven't met or see her before." He asked with a gentle smile.

Beel nodded his head, "Her name is Y/N and that's her snake friend, they have been with us for a couple of weeks."

"It's very nice to meet you, Y/N. My name is Simeon."

All you did was just nodding your head as a reply. Simeon surprisingly wasn't offended or anything by your behavior. In fact, he just smiled at you in a friendly way, "Not very talkative, I see. Quite understandable." He stated, letting out a small chuckle. You three chatted for a while... It was mostly between Beel and Simeon, but you would add a few things every now and then. Just then, the main door opened...

"Simeon! We are back!"

A voice of a young male called out from the entryway. A few seconds later, two guys entered the livingroom, one was a white haired teen and the other was a child. The two stopped when they saw you and Beel sitting there, "Simeon, what is he doing here? And who is that?" The child questioned, sending a glare to Beel then pointed at you. Simeon sighed in disappointment, "It's rude to speak and point like this, Luke." He kinda scolded yet his face still had that gentle expression.

However, you and Beel didn't care nevertheless.

The child called Luke pouted and crossed his arms. The white haired guy chuckled and ruffled Luke's hair, "You know he doesn't mean it, but we sure want to know who is this new girl." He corrected as he moved to sit beside Simeon, Luke followed and sat near you. Simeon smiled, "I know. Anyway, this is Y/N. Y/N, these are Luke and Solomon." He introduced. Solomon looked suspecting for a moment as he stared at you, "Well, I can tell that you're not a demon and if there's going to be a new exchange student, we will be informed. Where did you come from?" He asked straight to the main point.

Kaburamaru hissed in anger at Solomon, but you calmed him down. Beel seemed to struggle to find a good reason. He knew that Solomon had met almost every demon in Devildom, so he had to come up with a good reason.

"Y/N is actually-..."

"I'm MC's friend, I came to stay with them."

Luke and Simeon seemed to perk up when you said that you're MC's friend while Solomon frowned. You noticed this and sent him a sharp glare that made him literally flinch. Luke then noticed your sword, "Why are you carrying a sword?" He asked while pointing at your weapon. You looked down at your Nichirin Blade and held it, "I'm a demon slayer of a high rank, I need a sword to fight demons." You bluntly and shortly replied as Beel appeared to be a bit nervous.

Luke's eyes sparkled in adoration, "Wow! We should be close friends! You hate demons and a friend of MC's! Just like me!" He exclaimed happily while you just stared at him. All while Beel appeared to have regret while both Simeon and Solomon sweatdropped. You stayed there in the Purgatory Hall for about an hour, chatting and knowing more about those people you had just met.

Eventually, you and Beel left to return back home. As you two walked, Beel decided to speak up, "So Y/N, what do you think of them?" He asked with a little smile. You closed your eyes and sighed, "They're not bad, a bit tolerable." You replied while Kaburamaru hissed in agreement. Beel was proud that you at least liked them a little.

"I'm hungry, let's go to Hell's Kitchen."


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