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Chapter Thirteen
The Plan


❝I pray that my purpose will purify my filthy blood.❞

IT WAS THE FIRST TIME you felt a great rage toward a human. Amelia had really crossed the line and you weren't going to stand still anymore. She had hurt Beel's feelings just to ruin his relationship with you. You didn't care about the progress of your relationship with Beel, you just had to stop her before she dares to do worse.

That's why you marched toward Amelia's room and slammed the door open, seeing her laying on her stomach on her bed. She flinched upon hearing the loud slam of the door. Amelia sat up and looked at you with annoyance, "You know there's something called knocking on the door." She said in a sassy way. You squinted your eyes and glared at her, "My patience with you is at its limits. Stop hurting Beel's feelings for your own satisfaction." You firmly stated with a monotonous yet harsh voice. Amelia stared at you for a moment before she laughed as if you told her a funny joke or something.

"Oh this is just the beginning, I won't rest until I ruin your life just like how you did to mine."

You didn't say anything and decided to approach her. You stood right before her, being face to face with her, "I have dealt with powerful demons that can destroy an entire village. Dealing with you is like killing a small useless bug." You said in a threatening manner, a dark shadow casted over your face. For a moment, Amelia showed a bit of fear. However, she quickly put on a brave face that was obviously forced, "You think your threats will scare me? Think again, Y/N. I'm capable of much more than you think." She remarked with a sly smirk on her face as she was about to tap her finger on your forehead, but you held her wrist tightly that it took the girl off guard and made her hiss in pain.

"If I ever saw sticking your nose again in something that's none of your business, you will regret everything you have ever done."

Kaburamaru hissed in a threatening way, his tongue sticking out rapidly. Amelia tried to pull her hand away from you, but your hold didn't budge even a bit, "This is your last warning, do not manipulate Beel for your own benefits." You stated before letting go of her hand. Amelia held her wrist and saw a purplish bruise on it. She didn't get a chance to speak back to you because you turned around and left the room. She growled and gritted her teeth in frustration, "I will show you what I can do, Y/N. I will make sure that you will be kicked out and I know just how." Amelia thought as an evil smirk tugged on her lips.

She knows what she was going to do in order to ruin your life just like how she did to MC. The last thing she wants was you stealing the attention of the demon brothers.


"She did that?"

MC exclaimed, obviously looking very upset. They didn't understand why Amelia was hurting Beel if she was targeting them and you. You nodded your head in confirmation, "Yes, he now believes that I'm only around him because he acts like Mitsuri." You stated while crossing your arms. MC sighed to contain their frustration, "Why is she doing this? Beel cannot handle emotional pain, she is truly evil." They said, feeling bad about the gluttonous demon's state.

You squinted your eyes, "I have a plan that will expose her."

"Huh? What plan?"

You proceeded to explain the plan to her, it was simple yet effective. It will simply expose Amelia and her sly doings. It was time for the brothers to know that she is a devil in disguise. If it was timed perfectly, Amelia will be kicked out of Devildom once and for all. After you were done explaining, MC looked a bit doubtful, "Are you sure this will work? How are we going to make sure that it's timed by the time the brothers are home?" They asked with slight fear. They didn't want to get you in trouble just to expose Amelia, she isn't a good person at all and she can simply frame you. You hummed in thought, "Kaburamaru will assist, he is smart and can help us with this. We just need to make sure that she remains in a certain place." You replied with an assuring voice tone.

MC thought for a moment before smiling in determination, "Alright, I'm with you." They stated, sounding more confident. Now, you just needed to set this plan in action and act accordingly and Amelia will be exposed.

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