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Chapter Seventeen Confession

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Chapter Seventeen


❝I pray that my purpose will purify my filthy blood.❞

BOTH YOU AND BEEL sat quietly, it was a comfortable silent oddly. You had finally declared everything to Beel and cleared all of the misunderstanding Amelia had created, you felt at ease now that he knew everything. However, it was still up to him to either accept it or not.

You decided to remain silent and wait for him to speak up and surely it didn't take him that long to finally say something, "I know that. MC told me everything and that you never compared me to your lover." He stated, looking at you with soft expression. You let out a sigh and nodded your head in understanding. You knew MC was going to talk to him about this, they sure had their charm to convince anyone. In fact, MC was understanding and considering. Now that their reputation was saved, they regained the brothers' trust with ease. Anyway, Beel still needed to know more about you. Yes you two got close, but you still remained closed off and refused to open up to him. He once saw you without the bandages around your mouth, but he didn't want to keep anything hidden between you two anymore.

He looked at you with an unreadable look, finally deciding to ask you what he wanted to know ever since that day, "Y/N, why do you wear those bandages? What happened to your mouth?" He asked, hoping that you won't snap at him. To his surprise, he only received a sigh from you, "It's a long story..." You trailed off as you felt hesitant to tell him what happened to you. Beel leaned closer and wanted to know more about your background story, "I'm willing to listen, I want to know." He insisted on you to tell him. You thought about it for a moment until you decided to tell him because you believed that he deserved to know.

"Back when I younger, I lived in a village rolled by a demon that looked like a snake. My family sacrificed babies in order to appease that demon. When I was born, she got interested in me and caged me. Upon reaching 12 years old, I was taken to be presented to the demon and my family forcefully cut open my mouth to look similar to that demon. I lived in fear during that time and had only Kaburamaru as my friend. One day, I decided to escape and I did it. I was saved by the Flame Hashira, but the demon killed my entire family, leaving only my cousin who blamed for the loss of our family. Since that day, I hated demons and swore to kill them all to make my rage die down."

After you were done explaining, Kaburamaru hissed sadly and rubbed his head against your cheek. Beel was shocked to hear your story, but he knew that you hated being pitied for something like that. He sighed and calmed down a bit, "You're strong for enduring all that pain." He said, giving you a pat on your head. You stared at him with puzzlement, but you didn't mind the pats you were getting. The silence was now getting nice and more comfortable. For the first time, you felt like you wanted to be vulnerable in from of someone other than Mitsuri. You wanted to feel that beautiful feeling of love and being loved. You were sure that Beel was the one to make you feel like this. Just then...

"Y/N, can you remove the bandages?"

You were surprised by what Beel had requested from you.


When he added this, you couldn't help but think that he looked cute. You sighed again and looked away from him, "I don't like showing my scar." You stated, placing a finger in the bandages. The gluttonous demon gave you an assuring smile, "I promise I won't judge you." He said which made you rethink your decision. You eventually agreed and started to unwrap the bandages from your mouth until there were all removed. Beel watched as you looked at his, seeing the scar on your mouth more clearly now. He mentally winced, imagining the pain you went through. You suddenly turned away from him, "I know this looks horrible... It has always looked like that." You spoke up, breaking Beel's train of thoughts. He quickly shook his head in denial, "No no, it's not like that. In fact..." He trailed off and placed his hand on your cheek, his thumb slightly touching your scar.

"I think it makes you look prettier."

Upon hearing what he said, your eyes widened slightly as you were taken a back by what he said. Suddenly, he leaned forward and kissed your cheek gently which surprised you more, "Y/N, I have something to tell you..." Beel said after he pulled away, his cheeks turning a bit red. For some reason, you suspected what he was said, but you wanted to hear him say it.

"Y/N, I... I... I-I love you."

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