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Chapter Two


❝People like you sicken me.❞

THE SKY OUTSIDE WAS dark as you, MC, and Beel walked through the streets of Devildom. You were surprised to see that it was night even though you were told that it was actually daytime, but it was dark. MC took you to different places around Devildom, telling what each place was for.

However, MC decided to take you to a clothing store called Majolish. At first, you declined the offer and preferred to remain with your demon slayer uniform, but MC insisted on taking you and buying you clothes. Plue, MC stated that it would be bad if you just stayed in your uniform if you were to stay here for a long while. Once you three walked in, you were slightly amused by how this place looked, "This place is nothing like any clothing shop in my world." You mumbled as you looked around.

MC laughed lightly as they could hear the amusement in your voice, "Well, places are different from one place to another." They stated and walked into the store, picking up different clothes that matched your style. Beel was also helping picking clothes and he pointed out something, "Hey Y/N, how about you get face masks instead of the bandages around your mouth?" He suggested which made you look at him with confusion while MC perked up in delight. They clapped their hands once, "That's a good idea, Beel! Like this, you won't need to wrap the bandages around your face everyday, Y/N." MC added and immediately went to grab a few handmade facemasks for you.

You were left there, puzzled yet you didn't question it. Shortly later, MC returned with two F/C facemasks for you. Eventually, you three left the shop after MC paid for the clothes. You mentally gave yourself a note to thank them later for their generosity. As you all were about to proceed with your journey, a loud growl was heard around you. At first, you thought it might be a monster. However, you saw MC was looking at the Beel. The guy scratched the back of his head nervously then put his hand on his stomach, "Sorry, I'm hungry." Beel spoke up in embarrassment, averting his gaze away from you two.

MC laughed and shook their head, "Alright then, let's go to Hell's Kitchen to get some food then we continue our trip." Beel let out a small squeal before wrapping his arms around MC for a hug. You stared at them silently for a few seconds before looking away with your eyes closed. Kaburamaru hissed gently and rubbed his head against your cheek to give you a bit of comfort. You hummed and petted his head to show the albino snake some effection.

"Come on, Y/N! Let's go."

You turned to MC who called you and nodded, making your way to this place called Hell's Kitchen. Once arriving there, you and MC took a seat on a table and placed the shopping bags beside it while Beel went to order the food. MC gave you a smile, "So Y/N, how do you like the kingdom so far?" They asked, putting a hand under their chin. You hummed in thought then shrugged your shoulders, "Not bad, I just need to adjust to the difference. I don't like the fact that it's always night." You replied with a monotonous voice which made MC nod with the same smile.

MC's behavior kinda reminded you of Tanjiro, they're always smiling and know what to do in tough situations. It was something that left you puzzled as to how he can smile and be happy after everything he went through. MC was no different, they were treated badly and yet they still remained kind and nice to others. Something you considered as a key aspect of vulnerability yet something brave and noble to have. To smile and continue with life to make haters burn in envy and anger. You couldn't do this, you either face those haters harsh comebacks or punch them in the face.

For a few minutes, you and MC continued to chat about random stuff, of course you just gave short answers. Beel then returned with so much food and put it on the table, "There you go, MC." He said, giving his friend their fair share of food. He then turned to you, "Here Y/N." He offered you, but you shook your head in decline.

"I'm not hungry."


Both Beel and MC talked about different stuff, mostly related to school. You were just listening to them, but through half of the conversation, your attention was directed to Beel and how happy he looked when he was eating. This oddly made you remember the love of your life... Mitsuri. They both had somethings in common, like eating large amounts of food. You couldn't lie to yourself, he looked cute. Of course you wouldn't admit this out loud. Plus he appeared to be harmless just like Mitsuri, but you were sure that he had greater powers than expected.

"Mitsuri... I miss you so much." You thought as your gaze turned to the table remembering the pink haired guy. You didn't know why, but you felt a little bit attracted to Beel. Could he change your personality? Could he make you feel the love Mitsuri gave you? Only time will tell.

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