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Chapter Twelve
Broken Heart


❝I pray that my purpose will purify my filthy blood.❞

DAYS HAS PASSED AND YOU noticed how Beel was avoiding you a lot. Everytime he approaches you to say something, he would immediately dismiss it and go away. He looked very hurt whenever he looks at you which made you rethink everything you did or said to him, maybe you unintentionally hurt him by saying something offensive.

This raised so many questions in your head and you just hoped that a certain girl wasn't behind this. Anyway, you were in the library of the mansion, trying to read a random book you found, "What is this book even about?" You mumbled, finding difficulty in reading it since it was written in a different language. Kaburamaru hissed to cheer you up which you were grateful for. As you closed the book and put it back to its place, the door opened and that earned your attention. You turned around and were met face to face with Beel. The gluttonous demon freaked out slightly before he was about to leave, but you stopped him.

"Why are you running away?" You spoke up with a rather harsh tone.

Beek froze upon hearing your question. He stood there nervously, thinking of a good excuse for you to believe. He gathered his courage and turned around to face, "S-Sorry Y/N, I'm just looking for Belphie." He lied while scratching the back of his head, forcing a smile on his face. You stared at him for a moment before letting out a sigh, "I would believe what you said if I was a foolish naive." You bluntly declared then walked toward him, "You're not good at lying, it's shown on your face." You added, standing right in front of him. Beel fumbled to find his words, but just couldn't lie to you since you would see through his lies.

"I'm sorry..." He trailed off, keeping his gaze away from you.

You raised an eyebrow in confusion, "What happened to you? You have been obviously avoiding me recently, did I say anything harmful?" You questioned, waiting in anticipation for his reply. Beel didn't know what to say as he was hesitant to tell you about his feelings since he was afraid that what Amelia had said might be right. However, he had to tell you sooner or later. Your patience was at its limits as you waited for him to talk to you, "Are you going to answer?" You questioned again, crossing your arms while Beel let out a sigh.

"Y/N, did you really used to... love someone?" Upon hearing his question, you were slight taken aback. However and since your life was a mere fictional story, you were sure that most people knew about this. You dropped your arms and closed your eyes, "Indeed, I used to love someone back then. However, I don't think he still exists... even in my world." You replied as you finally opened your eyes, looking at Beel's purplish pink magenta eyes. The gluttonous demon clenched his fists tightly that his knuckles turned white, "And... Do you see him in me?" He asked again, this time confusing you more.

"What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean. The man you loved had a lot of similarities with me, is that why you would hang out with me? Is that why you apologized and gave me that phone charm? For all I know you never treated any of my brothers like that."

You were surprised to see how straightforward he told you everything, you could see that he was hurt from his eyes. Just then, something clicked in your head. MC once told you that none of the brothers were interested in anime aside from Levi, so how did Beel knew about this if he didn't watch the show or even see Mitsuri? You surprise and confusion turned into calmness, "How did you know about this?" It was your turn to ask him again. Beel gritted his teeth as he got really impatient with Y/N unfazed facade, "Just answer my question first." He said with a slight demand.

"There's a few similarities like the physical strength and the gluttonous nature, but unlike you, Mitsuri was very clumsy and gets embarrassed really easily. Not to mention that he cries a lot too and many more things that makes him unlike you. However..." You stopped for a moment and turned your back to him, "You're different, you're more calm and nice. Even though you share some things with Mitsuri, you're still your own person in my eyes which made me tolerate you more than the rest of your brothers." You finished while keeping your back turned to him.

Beel looked down sadly, feeling both guilty and hurt that you still compared him with your love interest, "Amelia had told me that I have a lot in common with your lover, that's why you like to be around me more. To be honest, I believed her since she was saying the truth because I asked Levi and he said the same." Once he said that, your eyes twitched when you heard that girl's name. She was now passing the boundaries and she was leading herself to her doom. You had enough of her stupid tricks, now she was hurting Beel's emotions. It's time to put her in her place. You quickly composed yourself and turned around to face the orange haired demon, "I need to go." That was all you said before you left the library to go and talk to MC.

Beel stood there, looking down at his feet as he was confused about how to feel. However, he was certain of one thing that he felt at the moment.

He was heartbroken.

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