Chapter 3 - Meadow Park

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Y/n's POV
The sun peaking through my window woke me up and I blink a couple times. I hear soft snoring and I look down and see Leah. I'm laying down and she's on top of me with her arms wrapped around my waist and her head resting on my chest. How we got here I have no fucking clue but this as much as I like it is wrong. She's dating Jordan. I grab my phone and look at the time. It's 10:00 and the match today is at 2:30 against Brighton. I try to move and Leah's grip becomes tighter. I decide to just scroll on my phone for a bit until she wakes up. I need to get to Meadow Park at the same time as the players, I mean I am a player but I get all my warm up shirts and merch today at the game. I also have to practice and warm up to playing. I'll probably have some fun after the game. I see Tobin sent me a text last night, her and Christen have been very happy together and I'm excited that they're together. I get an Instagram notification that Gio has followed me and some other teammates have. I follow them all back. I go to my bio and write @arsenalwfc. and write north london is red. I hear a quiet oh fuck. Leah gets off of me and looks at me.
"We didn't do anything right?" She asks and it looks like she's blushing.
"No we just fell asleep. Get dressed then go get lunch?" I ask.
"Sure I'll come back at 11:30." She says.
"Sounds good Leah." I say. I walk to the bathroom and take a quick shower and go through my morning routine. I'm trying to pick a game day outfit, I was always the best dresses for games with Tobs. I decide on some dress pants and I put in my dunks. I grab a polo shirt and tuck it in and grab a belt. I grab a hat and my keys and sunglasses. I'm running around looking for the ring Tobin got me last time she visited. She got me Cartier ring and I never take it off but I guess I forgot to put it back on after my shower. I hear a knock on my door and I'm looking under the counter. I come up too fast and hit my head.
"MOTHERFUCKING FUCK FUCK FUCK." I say and Leah opens the door.
"Are you okay y/n?!!" She asks worried.
"Yeah just hit my head." I say grabbing the back of my head. She grabs some ice from my fridge and makes me an ice bag. I'm still looking for the ring.
"What are you looking for?" She asks.
"My ring." I say.
"Oh is that like..." She says.
"A gift from my best friend Tobin last time she visited we went on a shopping spree. I have a lot of money but she wanted to treat me since I helped her launch re-inc with Christen, and Kling." I say.
"It's on your nightstand, I saw it when I was grabbing clothes." She says.
"Thanks" I say and I run to my room and find the ring and put it on my right ring finger. I walk back and I now get to see Leah fully. She's wearing baggy pants and an oversized button up short sleeve shirt. Leah has style.
"Give me the keys I'm driving." She says.
"What no! I'm driving." I say.
"Y/n you just concussed yourself I am driving." She says sternly and I pout and stop my feet as I hand her my car keys.
"You're a big baby." She says giggling. We walk outside and get to my car and I still run and open the door for her. She gives me a soft smile and then I head to the passenger seat. She turns the car on and the engine purrs. I can see the excitement in her face.
"Okay miss speed demon please don't crash my car. If you want to go racing I can take you to my grandfathers track in Italy he lets me test drive Ferraris." I say.
"REALLY!" She says. I laugh and nod my head yes.
"Come on bella let's go get breakfast." I say.
"Bella?" She says driving to the diner near our apartment building.
"Italian cara." I say. "If you don't like Italian I can do Spanish, French, and Portuguese."
"No English?" She says.
"There's no fun in that." I say. We get to the diner and Leah locks my car and I walk in taking off my sunglasses.
"Good morning y/n!"
"Good morning aunt y/an." I say.
"Good morning Leah." She says smiling.
"You know Leah?" I ask.
"Leah comes here a lot, we talk about Milton Keynes." My aunt says. "That's where she grew up, y/n grew up there too before her parents moved to London. I'm surprised you haven't run into Leah y/nn she's here all the time! The usual for both of you?" Leah and I both say yes please and sit down in a booth.
"Milton Keynes?" I ask.
"Yes that's my hometown. I love it there. Georgia says I bleed Milton Keynes." Leah says.
"You'll have to take me to visit I haven't been there in years." I say. Leah and I eat our food and talk until it's 1:00pm and we decide to start heading to Meadow Park. She finally let me drive and we're on the road when her phone rings. I turn off the music and keep quiet.

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