Chapter 8 - Wait

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y/n's POV
The final whistle blows and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. I walk towards the bench and everyone is telling me I did amazing but I don't feel amazing. Jonas pulled me aside telling me I have a quick interview. I walk over to the lady and mutter a quick hello before the cameras start rolling.

I'm here with y/n y/ln Arsenal's newest member. So y/n how are you liking Arsenal so far.

It's great. Everyone is extremely determined and hardworking. I haven't anything less than 100% from anyone so I will strive to be the best goalkeeper.

How do you feel after todays win? You've secured your first clean sheet with Arsenal.

I feel okay. I didn't perform as well as I wanted to. There's always room for growth.

You had outstanding saves today.

I guess... I am just glad that even after a year break I still can be of use on the field as a keeper.

Leah - I'm crashing this interview. y/n played an amazing game today. She was phenomenal under pressure and I would say her debut game for Arsenal was successful. Don't put yourself down y/n you did great today. I better get going...

Thank you Leah.

So y/n anyone special came to watch your game today?

Just Tobin, she will always be my best friend.

Rumors are floating around that Tobin and Christen may make there way to United.

That would be great for both of them. Tobin and Christen are skilled soccer players. Manchester United would be extremely lucky to have both of them.

Okay thank you for your time y/n.

Thank you.

I quickly walk away. I've always hated interviews and the press conferences. I can't believe Leah had the audacity to come over... what she said made my heart skip a beat but I can't. I can't be with her. I change out of my uniform and take a quick shower before putting on one of the Arsenal tracksuits I was given. I grab my bag and begin to leave the locker room. As I was making my way down the hall I could hear someone yelling my name.

"Y/N! Y/N! WAIT PLEASE!" I turn and see Leah yelling at me and jogging over towards me. I watch her jog over, her hair is down and wet from her shower. She's wearing sweatshorts and my hoodie.
"What do you want?" I say coldly.
"To talk. To talk to you y/nn. Please. I miss you, I miss us..." She says. She grabs my hand I let her.
"There's nothing to talk about and there's no us. There never was. Just fuck off Leah!" I say and I let go of her hand. I watch her eyes lose their usual sparkle
"You're lying. Stop being so cold and sensitive! TALK TO ME! I fucked up. I know that but don't push me away. I saw the real you and this cold heartless y/n isn't it." She begs.
"This is who I am." I say harshly and I watch her flinch a bit which breaks my heart.
"No! I'm not giving up! Not on us!" She says. I leave and walk to my car. I see a text from Tobin saying she went out with some of the United girls to get to know them so she'd be back in a couple hours possibly for dinner. I drive back home and my mind is telling me to tell Leah to leave me alone while my heart is breaking slowly because I want to talk to her. There was an us. I get to my apartment and I unlock my door and throw my bags on the floor. I change into some sweatpants and a hoodie. I curl up on my couch and my mind starts going a thousand miles a minute. I pick up my phone and call my father.


Y/n what's wrong?

I think I messed up.

My Captain (y/n x Leah Williamson)Where stories live. Discover now