Chapter 4 - Movie Night

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Y/n's POV
I wake up and Leah is still laying in my arms. I check my phone and it's 6:00. I decide to go buy some stuff for movie night. I slowly move out from under Leah. I change my clothes putting on some sweatshorts and a baggy shirt. I grab my sunglasses and car keys and head out. I get to the grocery store and I'm walking down the aisles grabbing stuff for the teriyaki chicken stir fry. I grab a bunch of different snacks as well and drinks. I'm heading to the checkout when I hear someone call out my name.
"Y/N!" I hear. I turn and see an angry Jordan.
"Jordan." I say.
"You're the reason Leah and I broke up." She says.
"If I recall correctly you broke up with her." I say.
"Just because she likes you and not me." Jordan says.
"You didn't respect her and the fact that she doesn't want to leave Arsenal and go to Villa. Leah has insecurities Jordan and you played with them. She loves you and you just yelled at her, she needed your comfort that everything would be okay once you left and you gave her none of that so if anything you ruined your relationship." I say and she just looks at me. She stays quiet.
"Take some time and think about it Jordan." I say and go check out. I grab my bags and put them in my car and drive back to my apartment. I quietly unlock my door and walk in and I set all the bags down. I peek into my room and Leah's still sleeping peacefully so I start cooking.

Leah's POV
I wake up in y/n's bed and I hear music playing. I get up and decide to grab steal some of her clothes. I grab another pair of sweatshorts since i haven't returned the clothes I borrowed last time and out in a re-inc shirt. I slowly walk towards the kitchen and spot her cooking. She's humming to Taylor Swift. I take a video of y/n cooking and dancing around her kitchen. I see a text from Jordan saying she wants to talk. I sigh and walk back to y/n's room. I ring Jordan and she answers quickly.


Yes Jordan.

I want to apologize, Leah I love you and I realized I haven't taken your feelings into consideration.

Why the sudden change of heart Jords?

I ran into y/n and she said something that really made me understand my actions. I am letting you go... I want to apologize for all the things I said. I hope we can be friends because before you were my girlfriend you were my best friend Leah and I never want to lose that. I'm sorry for trying to guilt trip you into leaving and accusing you of cheating on me because I know you would never do that. I'm sorry that I ended things the way I did and I if you like y/n, she's good for you Leah. You deserve someone who makes you happy.

Thank you Jordan but I still love you girlfriend or not. Good luck at Villa Jords.

Thanks Leah.

She ends the call and I take a deep breath. I'm sad that our relationship is over it had its ups but sometimes it just didn't feel right and I know Jordan felt it too. We both knew we were probably just supposed to stay friends. I wipe a tear off my face and walk back out to the kitchen. I see y/n again and she's plating food for four.
"Ah bella you're awake." She says. "You were crying."
"I just talked to Jordan." I say and she stops smiling. "She apologized and we agreed to be friends. She said you talked to her so thank you." Y/n nods. "Uh four plates?" I ask.
"Beth and Viv are coming over for a movie night and sleep over." Y/n says. "They should be here any minute." There's a knock at the door and y/n opens the door and Beth and Viv are standing outside.
"Hey!" Beth says. Both Beth and Viv walk over and give me a hug they say sorry about Jordan and I just give them a weak smile. We all sit down for dinner and I finally see what y/n cooked.
"Teriyaki chicken noodle stir fry?" I say.
"Yes." Y/n says smiling.
"Thank you." I say smiling back at her. We all eat and we chat. We learn more about each other and laugh at funny stories we all have.
"What!? So y/n Tobin hid your clothes and you walked around looking for them in a towel?" Viv asks laughing.
"Yes! She put them in our coaches office." y/n says rolling her eyes.
"I'm gonna do that to Katie." Beth says.
"Nooo we do not need another Arsenal prank war Bethany." I say.
"What happened last time?" Y/n asks.
"What didn't happen is the real question." Beth says.
"Remember when Katie flour bombed Leah right after training." Viv said laughing.
"That wasn't funny." I say.
"What was really funny was when Gio put that whoopie cushion under Jonas' chair during that meeting." Beth says laughing.
"Tricking Rafa into thinking we had a game was so funny." Viv says.
"That was cruel. Poor Rafa." I say. We're laughing when y/n's phone rings.
"Give me a second it's me mother." She says getting up and walking to the kitchen. Beth and Viv continue talking but I listen to y/n. She's speaking Italian.

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