Chapter 36 - Nala

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y/n's POV
I wake up to the bed cold. Alexia and I fell asleep watching the Lion King with Nala curled up next to us. I sit up immediately as I hear sobs echo through the apartment and Alexia yelling my name.
"Y/N!" I hear Alexia scream.
"Alexia!" I say quickly leaving the bedroom. I run into the kitchen and see Ale on the floor and in front of her is Nala. Nala isn't moving and Ale is trying to softly shake the poor dog awake. I quickly go to Ale's side.
"It's Nala... she's not moving." Ale says crying.
"Stay here I'm going to get help." I say. I run out the door and to Ona and Aitana's apartment.
"Aita! ONA!" I yell and bang on their door.
The door swings open and I see the two small Catalan women staring at me.
"What's wrong y/nn?" Aita asks.
"It's three in the morning!" Ona says.
"It's Nala... I think she's passed and I need help." I say and both girls immediately run back to Ale and I's apartment. They rush to Alexia's side and hug the taller girl as I grab a blanket and carefully pick up Nala.
"I'll drive." Aitana says and Ona jumps in the passenger seat allowing me to sit in the back with Alexia. I comfort the blonde as she softly pets Nala. We quickly arrive at the emergency vet who Ona had called as we were leaving. They were waiting for us so they grab Nala and head to the back leaving all of us in the waiting room. I hold Ale as she cries and I shed some tears as well.
"She's gone... my Nala is gone." Ale says in between sobs. I don't know what to say so I just stroke her hair softly and kiss her temple. After ten long excruciating minutes the vet walks out with a somber expression.
"Ms. Putellas I am so sorry but Nala had passed before you brought her." The vet says and Alexia lets out a gut wrenching sob. The little dog was everything to her.
"I'm so sorry amor." I say as Alexia buries her face into my neck crying. Aitana and Ona hug us both.
"We're so sorry Alexia." They both say.
"Can I see her?" Alexia asks.
"Of course." The vet says leading us back to the room where they had Nala. The beautiful ball of sunshine looked peacefully asleep on the table. Ale rushed to her baby and pet her softly.
"Dorm el meu àngel, la mama ja et troba a faltar, t'estimo Nala." Ale says kissing Nala's forehead one last time. Ale gets up from Nala's side and walks over to me. I wrap her in a hug before walking out of the clinic with my arm wrapped around her waist as we walk back to Aita's car. We arrive back home and Aitana and Ona hug Alexia one last time before leaving. Ale and I enter our apartment in silence. I go and sit on the couch and Ale joins me cuddling into my side letting out small sniffles as I rub her back. I feel her breathing even out as she falls asleep in my arms. I hold her tightly not wanting to let go.

 I hold her tightly not wanting to let go

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