Chapter 16 - Dates

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Flashbacks March

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liked by lucybronze and others

y/ny/ln breakfast with my goof❤️

rueshalj leah looks eager😂
^leahwilliamsonn she paid for once so i'm happy
^katie_mccabe11 lies y/n never lets you pay
^tobinheath sorry leah but i have to agree with katie here
^leahwilliamsonn she does🫶 but i pay next time
^y/ny/ln in your dreams, i love to spoil my girl
keirawalsh bet them eggs are plain
stanwaygeorgia this looks concerning

y/n's POV
"Leah!" I yell.
"Hold on I'm grabbing your jacket!" She yells back at me and I chuckle to myself knowing it's not for me it's for her. I see her walking towards me in my red jacket.
"Reds your color." I say grabbing her hand and intertwining our fingers. She looks up at me and I kiss her softly.
"Where are we going?" She asks as we're walking out of our apartment.
"I thought I would take you on a date. How about some brunch? We can walk to the cafe down the street?" I say.
"Sounds lovely let's go I am starving." She says dragging me down the street. We arrive at the cafe and get seated.
"Good morning what can I get for you today beautiful?" says the waiter to Leah. I glare at him as he's staring at Leah's chest.
"Can we get two orders of eggs, bacon and toast no spices please so no pepper on the eggs." I say staring at him.
"No spices?" He says confused.
"That's what I said. A hot chocolate and a water as well." I say. "Also it's disrespectful to stare at a woman's chest like you were doing. That's my girlfriend so stop staring at her like she's an object. She's a person and she's my person."
He nods his head before hurrying away quickly.
"Thank you for that I was uncomfortable. I love you." Leah says.
"I love you too cara." I say.
"Also you're hot when you're jealous." Le says laughing.
"I was not jealous... I was protective." I say making Le laugh.
"Thank you for ordering my food." Le says because I know how she gets insecure about the fact she doesn't like spicy food so she whispers her order. I just start ordering for her so I get funny looks and not Le Le.
"Of course darling." I say.
Our food comes and Leah licks her lips grabbing her fork and knife.
"Okay there tiger don't lick your lips like that or we may have to take this food to go." I say. Before Leah devours her food I take a quick picture.
"I saw that." Leah says. She takes a bite of her toast.
"No shame. I'm going to post it later." I say.

" I say

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