Chapter 20 - Hate

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A/N I have no idea why it was saying the book is complete. It's no where near finished.

April 11
Leah's POV
The final whistle blows for our friendly match against Australia and I fall to my knees. I cost us the game. Me. The captain cost us the entire game. I head the ball back to y/n and Sam Kerr managed to get to the ball and score and then I deflected a ball into the goal. I cost us the game and everyone's going to hate me.
"Bella?" I hear and see y/n looking at me as I am sitting in the middle of the pitch. I look up in tears at my girlfriend.
"Oh tesoro." She says sitting down next to me. She hugs me as I cry. I watch her take off her jersey leaving her in her green undershirt long sleeve.
"Come let's go to the changing room." She says helping me up and I cry. She uses her jersey to shield my face from the cameras. We get to the locker room and all the girls are silent. I sit down at my cubby staring down at my cleats. I'm a failure.

y/n's POV
After I walked my very heartbroken girlfriend into the changing room I frowned when I heard Sarina call my name.
"Y/n!" She said. I walk over to Sarina and deep down I just wanted to make sure Le would be okay.
"Hey Sarina." I say.
"Would you be able to cover interviews? Give Leah a break, it was a tough game for her." She asks.
"Of course." I say with no hesitation. She smiles and we walk to the interview area.
"They shouldn't ask any questions about Leah's performance. If they do respond professionally but protect her." She says.
Sarina goes off to one interviewer and I get ushered to another.

y/n that was a tough loss tonight

It was. It was not our best performance however these are the games we learn best from and the Lionesses will come back stronger. We are a team who does not dwell on our losses, we keep on moving forward.

Well we expected to interview England Captain Leah Williamson tonight your girlfriend if I may add. Why is she not here?

Leah deserved a break from the media and interviews. As vice-captain I will do interviews in her place tonight.

Is she absent because of the errors she made tonight costing the Lionesses' the game?

First of all, individual players never cost a team a game. We are a team, we are the Lionesses. We win together, we lose together, we laugh together, we cry together, we do everything together so never ever do you get to put the blame on one player. Especially my girlfriend. The captain of the Lionesses, 2022 Euros champion, Olympian, Arsenal legend, one of the world's best defenders... I can go on if you need me too.

Leah made two errors tonight which resulted in the goals that were scored.

Last time I checked Leah is a human and humans make mistakes which are acts or judgments which are misguided or wrong. You cannot blame our loss on Leah. It could easily be flipped on me that I should've gotten to the ball quicker when she headed it back or I could've saved the ball which deflected off of her.

Many are already saying that Leah was not the best choice as captain.


A captain should not make mistakes.

Please enlighten me for a second. In what world does any person, I mean any person not make mistakes?


AND! I'm not finished here... Leah Williamson my girlfriend ONE HUNDRED PERCENT deserves to be the captain of the Lionesses. She has the mentality and leadership skills that will take this team places, she will lead us to victories and has already proven herself to be a PHENOMENAL captain. She lead us to a Euros victory, Arnold Clark Cup victory and Finalissima victory. Ask any girl in the team and they will say Leah deserves to be the captain of this team. I put my trust into Leah and she has the trust of the entire team. Sarina chose Leah for a reason so she deserves to be captain. If anyone believes that Leah shouldn't be captain you go play futbol. See if you can sign your first club contract at the age of 9 and get called up for your nations international team and become captain. Don't ever speak about my girlfriend like the way you just did. Thank you for the interview but I'm going to leave because according to your intellect humans aren't capable of making mistakes.

My Captain (y/n x Leah Williamson)Where stories live. Discover now