Chapter 19 - Finalissima

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April 6th
Leah's POV
I wake up and feel a weight on my chest. I open my eyes and see y/n's arms wrapped around me and her head resting on my chest. Her hair is all messy and she's snoring but they're cute. I grab my phone and see that it's still pretty early. Breakfast is in two hours so I decide to cuddle with y/n for a bit then go get ready. I get up and head off to the bathroom, I shower quickly and get ready. I put on my England tracksuit and grab my phone to see if I should wake up y/n who's peacefully sleeping. I see an Instagram notification from someone I have never expected to see follow me then message me. Nonetheless I unlock my phone sitting on the edge of the bed and read the message.

alexmorgan please check up on her today

I sit and stare down at the message. Check on y/n? Why? Why is Alex messaging me? I decide to text Tobin.

leah🤟 - hey tobin good morning! i'm weird question but do you know any reason why alex just messaged me on instagram to check up on y/n

tobin🤙 - morning leah! uh alex? like alex morgan alex?

leah🤟 - yea she followed me on insta then dm'ed me saying "please check up on her today"

tobin🤙 - that's fucking weird... after alex broke y/n's heart very few of us speak to her unless it's under a professional setting. idk why today would be a bad day for y/n let me ask chris

leah🤟 - i'll ask her when she wakes up and keep an eye on her today. we have the finalissima match today.

tobin🤙 - chris doesn't know anything

leah🤟 - should i respond to alex

tobin🤙 - i think you should because it's so odd that she's messaged you especially on a day with such a major match

leah🤟 - hm yeah i'll keep you updated

Tobin likes the message and I see Alex sent another message.

alexmorgan i can see that you read the message leah just please check up on her
leahwilliamson why? is there something about today?
alexmorgan she hasn't told you?
leahwilliamson told me what alex? why are you even messaging me in the first place?
alexmorgan i thought she would've told you. she told me and i messaged you because i care about her.
leahwilliamson you don't get to care about her alex you broke her heart.
alexmorgan i still love her
leahwilliamson leave her alone. leave us alone. she's happy.
alexmorgan clearly not if she hasn't told you. she must not trust you.

I read Alex's last message over and over again. Y/n doesn't trust me? Should I ask her about today? I take a screenshot of the messages and send it to Tobin.

tobin🤙 - she's def trying to start something

leah🤟 - do you think she's right? does y/n not trust me?

tobin🤙 - i think she's wrong and if she's right about today being a bad day for y/n, i think y/n forgot to mention it because she's been happy with you.

leah🤟 - do you think alex still loves y/n?

tobin🤙 - i'm not sure. last time i heard kelley said she was in a committed relationship with some guy. i think she wants attention and to mess with you and y/n. alex was my best friend but she always craved attention from the world. with y/n currently being the best goalkeeper in the world being in a relationship with her would boost alex's name in the soccer world.

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