Canada stops saying sorry

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"I'm so so sorry!" Canada apologized for looking at a woman for 0.000001 seconds longer than normal "what?" The woman asked "what are you apologizing for?" The woman continues "I'm so sorry!!" Canada apologized once more and ran away "bruh" the woman, or should I say, Belarus just stares at him and continues looking for potatoes

"Are you seriously that childish?" America scolded his younger (and better) brother, Canada "I'm sorry!" Canada apologized again "bro can you not" America facepalms and just walks away leaving the Canadian in the living room all by himself "maybe I'm childish... Brother is right..." Canada said to himself sadly "maybe if I change myself... Maybe he'll accept..?" Canada thought and decided that he will change himself for the better (no pls don't)

"G'day mate!" Australia patted the Canadians back "stop it Aussie..." Canada stares at him coldly causing the Australian to flinch "Canada? Is there something wrong?" Australia looks at him concerned "nothing..." Canada then left the living room to go outside

"Heya Canada!" The American waved his hand as he sees his brother walk by "hm" Canada didn't even look at him happily maybe America should of had fucked himself yesterday instead of calling Canada childish... "Hey uh.. why are you not smiling..?" America tilted his head in confusion "you said this is childish..." Canada blankly stared at him "eh? Since when? I love that side of you... You should smile more.." America then gave Canada a soft pat in the head making a brotherly smile at him "eh" Canada pushed his hand off and walks away

"Hey uhm... America we need to talk..." Australia entered the kitchen where he expected to see his American brother "hey Aussie! Is it about canada?" America said not looking up at him as he sips at his coca-cola drink "yes... He is acting weird lately..." Australia gets himself a coca-cola and sits on a chair across America. "He has been acting quite... Cold" Australia said as he sips on his drink "yea.. how do we return him back to normal?" The problem asked and finishes his drink "hmmm.. maybe ask him?" Australia takes another sip and America nods "okay" America stood up to find the Canadian

As America walks around the park cuz that's where canada is often at he spots New Zealand "hey nz!" America shouted causing nz to flinch, they don't wanna deal with america's bullshit right now! "Uh.. hey brother..?" Nz tried their best to not push him off "have you seen canada? I have something to ask him" America asked "oh he is at the fountain" nz pushed him off and walks away "thank nz!" America then ran to the fountain

As he goes to the fountain, he sees canada on a bench crying and America's brotherly instincts turned on

"Hey Canada.." america slowly approached the crying Canadian "g-go away..." Canada continues to cry "shhh..." America pat's his back gently rubbing circles causing canada to cry even more "I said go a-away" Canada tries to push him off but failed "Canada... Tell me.. why are you crying?" The American asked and the Canadian stayed silent probably thinking if he should tell it to him or not but decided to tell him "remember all those times you called m-me childish?" Canada looks at him with teary eyes and America realizes why he is crying "no Can! I didn't mean that..." America hugs his brother "I'm sorry..." America apologized and let's go of the hug "a-apology accepted.." Canada wipes his years off and hugs him and ever since then, America stopped insulting his sensitive brother

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