Opposite day

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Requested by: Yoyo_playz

This is awful and I don't think flex tape can fix this

Isn't it weird how my writing is formal at home but is very goofy and random at school? Like the Vietnam becomes a criminal is so random because I made it in school

Greece is a god btw

Ah yes, Opposite day, the day where Greece decided to randomly switch the countries' personalities in reverse, Greece snaps his fingers and magic surrounds his body and boom, the countries' are pretty much the opposite now

"And that is why I'm the best cou-" America cutted himself off as he feels weird, the other countries around the world also felt weird and boom they now acted literally the opposite of themselves, and right now, there is a world meeting in switzerland (u know the world gc chapter? Yea this is the future) "yes, I agree you are indeed the best country, Ame" Russia stood up and clapped his hands "oh why thank you but I think that title belongs to you" America chuckles "no no it belongs to you!" Russia smiles "but thanks for the compliment" Russia pats the American's back and turned to his brother, Ukraine, "heya Ukraine, can you get my ushanka over there? Thanks" Russia asked and points the ushanka next to him "oh of course brother!" Ukraine picked it up and hands it to Russia and smiles "anyways, the meeting is now over, you guys can leave now or don't, I don't give a shit" UN then went back to his office leaving everyone in the meeting room "anyways today is such a wonderful day to live" Poland smiles to himself "may we all be protected by God and hope we all go home safely!" He continued and bid farewell to everyone with a smile and left "haha okay everyone is acting nice to each other it's getting weird as hell" Greece mumbles to himself because bro is not used to the countries actually being peaceful and not on the verge of war then he suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder "hey Greece you seem to be spacing out, you ok?" Turkey expressed his concerns on his enemy "....I'm fine" Greece went to another part of the meeting room not wanting leave yet

As he explore the meeting room observing the countries, he noticed Germany sleeping, well this is the first time, and he also noticed France awake, normally he's asleep but apparently he's energetic now, as Greece continue to explore the meeting room further, he noticed SK and NK having a friendly conversation, this is getting weird wait is that Germany and France arguing? I thought their peaceful but then again it's opposite day so he decided to approach the two arguing countries to listen on what type of (stupid) argument they are having

"MY COUNTRY IS LITERALLY MORE BETTER THAN YOUR COUNTRY" Germany argued with xyr with that thick ahh accent "nuh uh MY country is better" France argued back and they both glared daggers to each other until.. "guys stop arguing" Portugal stopped them, normally he'll encourage them to fight further but yea, "you guys do know there are children here right?" Portugal pointed to Palau who's touching everything and being active as hell, normally bro is very chill also portugal doesn't give a fuck on children, "you guys are a shame to society" Portugal then left making the two arguing countries think of their life choices (Ger and France doesn't think when arguing and just continues arguing to whoever they are shouting at) "sorry ig" Germany offered a handshake to which France accepts and left the meeting "I should probably leave the meeting too" Greece thought then left the meeting, as he walks around, he decided that he is hungry and went to a bakery and met Ukraine "hey uhh... I'd like a tsoureki (did I spell that right) if you guys have that" Greece then sat on a table waiting for Ukraine to finish, Ukraine then gave him the bread and Greece paid for it and left "wait is Ukraine smiling when he does his job?" Greece realized cuz normally Ukraine looks emotionless but he shrugged it off

As he eats it and roams around the city wait why is Ukraine in Switzerland working as a baker? But he shrugged it off, cuz it's apart of the plot wait where does Ukraine even work at? Eh whatever he found Britain in a cafe drinking... Coffee?? And Czech drinking... Water??? Bro this is too weird because Greece can sense the peace in the air, this is way too peaceful wtf but then he felt someone trip making him trip too, it was Canada and Canada left without saying sorry or anything "bro didn't even said sorry" Greece just sighed and went explore the city of Bern, Greece found himself on a park, he decided to just chill then he met Japan also just chilling, Greece thought noting of it but then he remembered that bro doesn't touch grass but when he does, he has that really weird lab banana that he calls "Mae" and brings it for walks, hell he brings it into meetings! Sometimes Mae would speak in a deep voice in latin! And Greece is a literal God but even he fears that banana. man, technology is wild

"Oh hey Japan, you didn't bring your... Demonic Lab banana?" Greece joked and Japan chuckled "yeaa, UN forced me to not bring it because it makes the others scared, honestly I'm scared too" Japan chuckled to himself and Greece took note of Japan not scared of his "pet", "anyways how's Nekomi?" Greece asked "oh she's fine" Japan for the first time didn't insult his twin sister behind her back "anyways, I gotta go before Nekomi starves to death" Japan then left to go to his private jet, normally Japan hates Nekomi and would wish her death but yea

Greece then saw another country, and it's Poland, Poland always leaves the meetings early and goes straight back to his home country so it's weird seeing him out here, Greece also noticed that it's getting late so he didn't bother talking to Pol and just went to a nearby hotel to stay in

As he sat on the bed, he wonders "should I keep it this way? It's peaceful.." he thought then he realized that's stupid as hell, he can't just go and ruin the countries' relationships with mortals, hell this opposite day he made doesn't even affect mortals so he decided to sleep it, there will probably some civil war gonna happen but it's their problem not his so yea, bro fell asleep

Bro woke up and decided to turn them back so he did a silly dance and boom all r back to normal but bro didn't realize that there are security cameras and now his identity is gonna be exposed, rip

Also Nekomi exist here, she is not that weird cringy shipper uwu cat, she is a kitsune like her brother, maybe she ships others but not to the point she forces them to date, she's a normal countryhuman that for some reason is hated by her brother, Greece hides his God identity so he can avoid attention, Japan is a weirdo, I felt lazy and no ideas to write this, and I want my goofy way of writing back

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