World group chat

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United Nations created a group chat
United Nations added (insert every single country here)

United Nations: okay guys! I created this gc for you guys to solve your problems! Please talk this out peacefully oh and please; avoid swearing, do we agree on that?

America: no

Russia changed America's nickname to "bitch"

Bitch: oh you little shit

Russia: heh :)

Bitch changed Russia's nickname to "whore"

Whore: okay lol

United Nations: I just left to have my coffee break in a few minutes and this is what happened. Why?

Bitch: Russia started it >:(

Whore: no I didn't

Ukraine: yes u did

Bitch changed own nickname to "Best country ever"

Best country ever: my name represents me

Whore: no it doesn't

Ukraine: hate to break it to you but whore is saying the truth

Whore: see? Even my very rebellious brother agrees

Mexico: oh hey new gc

Best country ever changed mexico's nickname to "Taco"

Taco: fuck you

Best country ever: then fuck me yourself coward

Taco: ew no

Germany: why is my phone vibrating a lot

Singapore: same.

Malaysia: oh no it's the gramar police

Singapore: grammar*

Malaysia: >:(

Best country ever: ew copycat

Malaysia: best country ever? That is the biggrst lie I have ever haerd in my entire life

Singapore: biggest* heard*

Whore changed own nickname to "Ruski"

Ruski: man Singapore is annoying

Indonesia: ikr

Indonesia changed Singapore's nickname to "Grammar police"

Indonesia: now that's better

Grammar police: change my nickname now this instant.

Indonesia: no

Ruski changed Indonesia's nickname to "Broke Singapore"

Ruski: uwu

Broke Singapore: why

Malaysia: it makes sense tho

United Nations: hi guys, it seems that chaos has devolved into lesser chaos but it's still chaos, how are you all doing?

Philippines: Are you the heat? Because I just got a stroke reading that

United Nations: I'm trying okay? English is a difficult language to learn.

Best country ever: no english is easy u just suck at it

United Nations: that is very offending.

Broke Singapore: yoooo it's Phil! Send us random rizz I wanna laugh

Broke Singapore changed Philippines' nickname to "Rizz God"

Rizz God: Are you air? because I love hangin out with u

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