Poland goes to space

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—But he accidentally travelled into another universe (continuation of title, I don't like long titles)

There is Planethumans in here btw

Poland is just well... Being Poland, he wanted to go to space as that was his childhood dream, as he was just laying down on his bed and suddenly his phone made a notification sound but he ignored it and went to take a (4 hours) nap, he didn't know that the notification or should I say text will change his life

4 hours later he woke up, looked at the time and then looked at his phone and saw the text "Hello, Countryleader Poland, I have great news to tell you, we are offering YOU to join our space project, you'll be the only one in this project though and you'll have a 1% chance of making it out alive, do you wanna take the risk? Email me for more information; ****************" the text displayed on his phone and Poland immediately clicked on the email and replied "yes"

As Poland entered the spacecraft (bro did a test and passed on all don't worry) he looked back to see America standing there, Poland then bid farewell and smiled for the first time as his dream of going to space is gonna come true, he board the spacecraft and went to the sky

As he leaves the Earth he noticed something weird, why does Earth have a body? Wait, Germany made a theory that Planets can be humanoid and we are all currently living on one big humanoid Earth, oh. "And I won! Ha!" The Earth laughed as another planet but red pouted on his loss, "no way it's Earth and Mars" Poland looked at the planets in awe and then suddenly a plane- oh wait it's a moon appeared on the window "uh Earth one of your Earthlings left again" the moon said "WHAT" Earth then pushed the moon away and looked at the spacecraft, Earth noticed that the Earthlings inside the ship has a flag, a Polish flag, Earth then realized it's Poland, the country with the fucked up history, "oh hello Poland" the Earth said in a fatherly way while Poland is just scared because who won't be scared when a giant is looking at you with it's scary blank white eyes, wait why is Earth on this zone because pretty sure this is the "too hot" zone

Poland stayed quiet and the Earth is getting impatient "uhm Earth, I think it's scared" Mars said and patted the Earth's shoulder "honestly I would also be scared if some huge ball of dirt and water is staring to my soul" the moon said and pushed him away, making Earth pissed off at the moon, making the clouds gray and make thunder, meanwhile on Earth....

"Guys why is the clouds gray all of the sudden" Hungary looked into the sky, then he felt goosebumps and.... "BREAKING NEWS: COUNTRYLEADER HUNGARY WAS STRUCK BY LIGHTNING" the news reporter said making the rest of the world shocked (no pun intended).

"Earth calm your ass down" Venus smacked Earth's head, now let's just say the Earthlings are not having fun, some thought the world is ending while others died, Poland is still scared and decided to move the spacecraft on another area while the planets are arguing, The European country explored outer space, he sees other planets and why the hell are they out of orbit? Why is mercury in the too cold zone and why is Jupiter too close to Saturn?

"Hey look! An Earthling!" Some astero- I mean Phobos said to Deimos while pointing at the spacecraft, Poland is still not used to it so he just continued exploring, admiring the stars but then Earth appeared out of nowhere causing Poland to jump in surprise, "hello Earthling! I know you are probably scared but don't worry, I mean no harm!" Earth did the peace sign cuz Earth has no mouth to smile at him (don't ask how bro is able to talk), and of course Poland is still scared because imagine some gigantic ball of dirt and water trying to have a normal conversation with you, Earth sighs sadly and just left Poland alone

Poland continued exploring and he suddenly felt like he is being pulled in, oh no. "See you Saturn!" Jupiter said and then walked (or should I say floated) away but the gas giant didn't know that Poland is on his way (problems of being tall/big, can't relate) guess that explains why Poland felt like he is BEING CRUSHED FROM THE PRESSURE and then he was never to be seen again

Poland woke up from his nap, he realized it was all just a dream and talking planets don't exist, If only he notice a small blackhole on Jupiter's surface that sucked him in teleporting him to another universe where it all didn't happen, he then looked at his phone only for it to have no text about space, it's just Germany texting him to go to work (he is late now, rip money that he could of earned in that time)

Yes I watch solarballs

(Don't ask how the entire solar system isn't sucked inside of the blackhole yet thanks)

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