Ukraine found his money but at what cost?

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After Ukraine realized his money is gone, he just knew he NEEDED to find Romania, if he didn't get his wallet, his dad will kill him! So he fell asleep cuz he'll do this shit tomorrow morning

He woke up from his slumber and started his search (his job is on weekdays only and it's Saturday in this universe) as he goes out, he starts asking some people

"Have you seen this weird vampire robber guy?" He asks on some random person "no" the person said, Ukraine thanked the person and left but little does he know.. It's actually Romania! Romania starts to giggle and goes to his house to break in, he succeed in breaking in and stole his shit and left

"If I were a retarded vampire where would I be..." Ukraine whispered to himself as he goes back to where he chased the Romanian and he found... A coin, pretty weird cuz normally they'd already be stolen the second a coin fall to the ground, so he picked it up then suddenly... "AHA I GOT YOU! YOU VAMPI-" Before the person who Ukraine assumes is a vampire hunter realized that they actually caught a normal countryhuman and not a vampire so they removed the trap off of Ukraine "are you looking for Romania too?" Ukraine asks the hunter "yea, he stole my money" the hunter replied "same, anyways wanna go to an adventure to find the damn vampire?" Ukraine offered his hand to the hunter "yea sure" the hunter took his hand "btw my name is Italy" Italy removed his mask that covers his face "Oh" Ukraine stared at the Italian

As both the European countries venture the city, they saw Chad "omg it's Romania!!!!" Italy pointed to the Romania look-alike and runs to the guy "HEY GIVE US OUR MONEY BACK YOU SHIT!" Italy pulled out a gun and Ukraine backs away "ayo calm down" Ukraine pats the italian's back "what??" Chad questions their intentions "haha sorry about that anyways" Ukraine then pulled out garlic "be gone vampire!" Ukraine shoved the garlic on Chad "uhh... Actually I'm not Romania, I'm Chad" Chad introduces himself "oh bye" the two European countries left and continued searching for the robber

As they walk around the city, they finally found the Romanian buying ice cream using THEIR money, they sprinted towards the Romanian and Ukraine pulled out the garlic causing Romania to hiss at him "HOW DARE YOU USE OUR MONEY TO BUY ICE CREAM!" Italy shouted at him "what you gonna do about it?" Romania smirks but Italy had other plans "Vatican City help!" Italy randomly shouted and suddenly a yellowish smoke starts appearing and boom Vatican City has appeared sprayed Romania holy water and left

"That's it?" Romania laughs while the 2 Europeans were silent, a few moments later, Romania screamed in pain and teleports away because holy water, the two took their money back, they also took the ice cream cuz yeah and they all went in their seperate ways

As Ukraine opens the door to his house, he feels like something feels wrong in here then he saw his room window broken so he immediately entered the house and saw almost everything gone, hell even the door knob is gone! "Haha shit my dad and siblings are gonna go home today" Ukraine told himself then suddenly...

"Hey Ukraine we are ho-" Kazakhstan cutted himself off as he sees the house "what the hell happened here" USSR entered the house "uh I can explain" Ukraine sweatdrops "explain then" USSR said "uhhhh" Ukraine sweats nervously trying to think of an explanation other than a vampire robbing the place because USSR will definitely not believe that


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