World group chat pt. 2

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Ah yes more shit
Racist stuff

That's it

Best country ever: Ayo is everyone dead

Ruski: no

China: guys why is there civil war happening in my country

Greece: uhh

China: Greece what did you do

Greece: UHHH

Greece left the group chat

United Nations added Greece into the group chat

United Nations: Care to explain, Greece :)?

Greece: my dog stepped on my keyboard

Bulgaria: you don't have a dog tho

Greece left the group chat

United Nations added Greece into the group chat

United Nations: stop.

Greece left the group chat

Best country ever: bro won't stop lmao

Taco: guys I saw on the news that said Greece is actually a god

Best country ever: bro when tho typed that the same news appeared on my tv

Best country ever: you* autocorrect is on drugs rn

Taco removed own nickname

Mexico: now that I figured out how to use this nickname thingy be afraid >:)

Mexico changed Best country ever's nickname to "Worst country"

Worst country: what did I do to u

Mexico: u forced yourself inside of me

Mexico: oh shit I worded that wrong

Japan: hi guys I'm Nekomi and I stole my brother's phone

United Nations: Welcome, Nekomi! And Mexico no swearing.

Japan: I think you worded it REALLY wrong Mex

Mexico: oh hit how do you edit a message

Worst country: you can't, just delete it lol

Mexico: HOWW

Worst country: bro u suck

Japan: I agree ^

Copydog: sup guys what hapen

Britain: happened*

Copydog: oh skit not another grammar police

Worst country: can't u just scroll up

Copydog: lazy just say it

Rizz God: Mexico sucks at technology, Nekomi stole Japan's phone, and Greece left the gc for unknown reasons thank me for scrolling up

Rizz God: wait UN why r u not adding Greece back?

United Nations: So he'll think we forgot about it when really, he is in my folder of "suspicious countries".

Copydog: oh

Worst country ever changed own nickname to "Best country"

Best country: haha Greece L

United Nations: You are also in my "suspicious folder" ;)


Best country: why :(

United Nations: You already know based on the recent events that happened this week.

Best country: oh

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