Finland finds out Scotland is trans

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Requested by: steakbaketable

This is ftm (female to male) btw

"Scotland asked me to come over to the forest where we met when we were children, I wonder what could she be wanting to ask me?" Finland thought as they travel down the snow covered path to the forest, the place where the friends will meet up, as they get closer to the spot, he sees the silhouette of their friend, they walked faster to reach the destination sooner and met Scotland

"so why do you want me here for?" Finland asked "well... Promise me to not get mad" Scotland nervously played with his fingers "huh that's weird, she looks a bit more boyish than normal... I .ran she is already boyish but this time it's..." Finland's thinking was cutted off by Scotland waving his hands infront of their face causing Finland to chuckle a bit

"What did you say again? I was spacing out" Finland asked "well.. let's just get to the point" Finland noticed his friends sweating really hard, which is weird because it's snowing "I'm trans, please use he/him pronouns on me from now on.." Scotland said shyly as he plays with his hoodie strings nervously "why would I be mad?" Finland chuckled on their friend and pats him "I accept you!" Finland said "as long as you are happy, I guess I'm happy too" They smiled warmly "thanks... For being there for me" Scotland hugged the Finnish dude tightly

"Wait is that why you hate garlic bread?" Finland randomly asked "dude." Scotland just stares at him weirdly because why the hell would they ask that? "I'm just joking, heard from America that garlic bread is transphobic" Finland chuckled "never trust America ever again" Scotland advices "plus I like garlic bread" He continued "also you should stop randomly joking around in the most random unpredictable times" He paused thinking for a bit probably to say something but can't get the right words "I think you need more friends, you are awkward as hell" Scotland said and Finland let out a offended gasp "I accepted you and this is how you treat me?" They wiped an imaginary tear off their face dramatically to look like they are crying, they then looked at their trans friend and smiled as they realized Scotland's nervousness is gone "plus I have many friends like the nordics!" Finland defended themself "the nordics are also awkward as well, all of you guys need better friends" Scotland said and crosses his arms "so ur telling me ur not a good friend?" Finland smirked "wait I didn't mean tha-" "you are a very bad friend good bye!" Finland walks backwards but tripped on a tree root that they swore was never there before, the scene made Scotland laugh "hah! Deserved!" Scotland went to the Finnish and offered his hand on them, to which they accepted "y'know? This is like the good old times when we play around and not think of work" Scotland giggles "wait... Work?... OH SHIT I HAVE TO PASS A DOCUMENT DUE TODAY" Finland immediately stood up causing a sharp pain coming from their left leg, ahhh crazy how the human body hates it's host.

As Finland cries in pain and Scotland tries to comfort his crying friend "y'know? Let's just ignore that and let your future self solve the problem" Scotland patted their back "MY LEGG" Finland cries "bro stop being a little ass" Scotland sighed "Denmark will kill me if I didn't pass it on time shjskalspajs" Finland cries out "let him, he'll probably get scolded by the others, I think... Honestly the others will probably join him" Scotland sighed again "it's getting late" Scotland looked up at the orange sky "haha my comrades will kill me" Finland laughed like an insane person "bro calm tf down" He said and stood up "let's leave so ur friends won't murder u" Scotland held his friend's hand to make them stand up

As they reach the path where they have to separate, both of them bid farewell to each other and went back to their houses

As Finland enters their house, they immediately went to their room to do documents and stuff, as they do the documents they realized that some of it is missing, oh shit (they didn't pass it because missing)

Let's just say Finland became America's mother (America's mother is not France cuz that's weird in history and America's mother is ded)

I like randomly killing characters and then reviving them with the power of friendship so they can suffer more on future fics

And sorry if this doesn't match your standards, cuz in my defence I suck at writing (can autocorrect stop "correcting" the word "your" into "you"??)
Also I got lazy on the end

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