The ASEAN switch personalities

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Requested by: Darreylj

I assume they like switch personalities with each other also this feels like those gacha 2020 videos that I always watch

Ah yes, today is such a wonderful day in the southeast asia region, today we gonna see what the association himself is doing

Also list here so I won't be confused

Myanmar <—> Thailand
Malaysia <—> Singapore
Indonesia <—> ASEAN
Philippines <—> Vietnam
Cambodia <—> Laos
Brunei <—> Timor-Leste (is TL even apart of ASEAN)

"Bad morning you little shits" ASEAN greeted everyone in the kitchen as he make himself a cup of coffee "mornin to u too papi uwu" Myanmar then does the 👉👈 thing "stop being so cringe Myan-CAT" Thailand then chuckled at the insult because Myan cat sounds like nyan cat, Myanmar only ends up glaring at Thailand "guys stop arguing, boss is here remember?" Malaysia stood up from his seat and sighs "shut it malaySHIT" Thailand flipped the malaysian off causing mal to sit back on his seat and eat the food angrily

"Okay guys I'ma go buy stuff" Vietnam bid farewell and go to the supermarket (or did he?) "Well that was easy" Vietnam then went to a bank (oh no) put on a suit and an america mask and entered the bank "PUT UR HANDS UP IN TH-" "dude are you fr?" America stood there "wait who's the real ame?" Canada asked "me" Vietnam said "proof" "I have a gun" "okay ur the real ame" Canada then went to Vietnam "bruh" America facepalmed "anyways, hey Viet, did you know if ur a minor u can rob a bank naked cuz looking at u is illegal?" Phil said "and you know who's a minor?" Phil continued "this guy, PALAU GO!" Palau then robbed the bank wearing absolutely nothing and the 2 ASEAN countries ran away with a naked Palau in phil's arms and they both went to the supermarket so Viet's lie is actually believable

"Hey Laos" Myanmar greeted making Laos flinch "oh uh hey?" Laos approached Myanmar "let's burn the kitchen down because I'm bored" Myanmar then pulled out a lighter "didn't we just burned the other building..?" "Yea but it will be fun" Laos sighed and just agreed and they both went in the kitchen "HEY BITCHES WE GONNA BURN THIS KITCHEN TODAY" Myanmar shouted making the others in the kitchen flinch "no cam, phil just burned the other building like months ago, we literally stayed in Vietnam's house in those months" Malaysia said sternly "c'mon it will be fun! Not like we'll burn the rest of the house down" "you're so fucking stupid, you do realize that if we burn this kitchen then the entire building will fucking burn, do you even remember how Laos almost fucking died?" Singapore shouted (in low caps) "ehhhh we'll burn this kitchen and we'll make sure it won't burn the rest of the building" Myanmar then dropped the lighter and everything started to burn "DID YOU SERIOUSLY FUCKING DROPPED IT WHILE WE ARE INSIDE?! YOU STUPID MOTHER FUCKING SON OF A STUPID WHORE OF A SLUTTY BITCH" Singapore smacked Myanmar's head so hard to the point Myanmar passed out unconscious "calm down Singa let's just grab a fire extinguisher" Malaysia then got a fire extinguisher and put out the flames, but he didn't know the fire spreaders on the other rooms too

"Where is the damn charger" ASEAN looked around the building and smelled something burning "Indo do you by any chance smell something burning?" He asked "yes, Boss" Indo then grabbed a fire extinguisher and went out "wait a damn fucking minute" ASEAN got out and followed the scent of smoke and saw the kitchen covered in smoke, a little bit of fire, the scent of sweat and fire extinguishers "it wasn't enough" Singapore said while lying on the floor while covered in ash "yea, let's get the fuck out of here" ASEAN carried Myanmar cuz u know he's unconscious and ran away outside

"Umm ame why are we in the supermarket?" Canada asked Vietnam who is still wearing the america mask "I'm vietnam lol" He then took off his mask "wait what" Canada looked at him "well... I mean I ran out of maple syrup so I guess I can be with you guys?" Canada then went to the syrup section "wait I kinda feel like there is something bad happening in the ASEAN building" Phil said "ehhhh that's gonna be our problem in the future, and today is the present so let's not give a fuck right now" Vietnam said "also can you not swear? Palau is here" "I know how to fucking swear dad, I'm 13" Palau said as he plays something on Phil's phone "I just realized, who's the other parent?" Vietnam asked "you... you don't wanna know..." Phil said "oh it's-" "no" Phil held Palau's mouth to muffle his talking "okay but can you at least tell me who did the birthing?" Vietnam asked and Palau bit Phil's hand "it's P-" "PHIL!?!" Vietnam shouted in shock "no the other dad's name starts with the letter P... Yeaaaaa" Phil sweat dropped "it's you, dad!" "actually you're adopted" Phil said "wait fr??" "Yes, you can even ask Germany about it" "WAIT MISTER VIETNAM, GERMANY IS MY FATHER" Palau suddenly shouted at the mention of Germany "no I meant that Germany gave you to me, we just made a lie that we are your parents so it won't hurt your 3 year old ass" Philippines said "that's some nice lore you got there phil" Canada said holding a basket of 18 bottles of maple syrup "uh can we go to the cashier now" Vietnam asked "yea sure let's go" and they all went to actually buy the stuff

"Holy shit what the hell happened here" Vietnam and Phil arrived at the burning building "That son of a bitch named Myanmar burned the fucking building down" Singapore said clearly annoyed "and look at me, my clothes is covered in fucking ash and what's even worse is that it's my fucking favorite outfit" Singapore pointed at his sleeveless turtle ne- wait why the hell is he wearing that in summer? Eh who cares, He pointed at his white sleeveless turtle neck covered in ash "damn it's white too" Vietnam said "I don't think flex tape can fix this" Vietnam said as he looks at the clothes Singa is wearing "yea no shit, flex tape can't wash clothes" Malaysia butted in "also what happened to Myanmar..?" Vietnam looks at the unconscious Myanmar "oh him? I gave him the thing that he oh so much deserve" Singapore said in a REALLY sweet tone "he meant that he smacked him at the head to the point he got knocked out unconscious" Timor-leste butted in "hey! it's my job in translating Singapore" Malaysia pouted angrily "wait how the hell did u know" Singapore asked Timor "I was there when that happened, or should I say I watched the security cameras" Timor said "damn you better not watch me sleep" Brunei said still tired "bro you're always asleep" Malaysia said "anyways Vietnam?" ASEAN looks at the Vietnamese "oh no" Vietnam ran away because who wants a bunch of crazy ass bitches inside of your house?

Damn the ASEAN members are arsonists

I also felt lazy writing this which is why it took a while

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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