Philippines reads his fanfictions (ignore pls)

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Also this is short because no ideas, also why didn't you ignore this like in the title?

Weird shit

Wanna leave? Do it.

Also I do not accept pedophilia because that shit is garbage like why would you like tiny humans with sticky hands???

Why?? Like seriously??

Philippines lays down the couch, right now he is staying on Vietnam's house but then he thought of an idea, he opened wattpad, searched "philippines countryhumans" and scrolled down

"Philippines innocently grabbed it and started stroking it not knowing what it is" he read inside of his mind scared on what shit this is "Russia moaned in pleasure as Phil continues stroking his awesome wand of epicness" Yea that's it he left and found another book, "Piri-Senpai~ notice m-" he left again "philia wore her bunny outfit for scho-" Phil left again and thought "what the fuck are these mortals smoking?!" He thought and finally, he found a normal book, to at least he thought is a normal book

vv down here is the fanfiction also, this is made up by me and I remember I read a fanfic like this at the past and ye (PEDO WARNING)

/Philippines woke up from his sleep and looked around the cold hospital room, he noticed flowers with a note that says "get well soon :)", Phil smiles as he recognized the writing, he chuckles and said "sir ASEAN... I didn't know you actually cared..." He said to himself and laid down the bed again and sighs wondering what happened and why he is hospitalized but then the door opened and it's... sir ASEAN!

Phil's eyes lit up as he sees his father figure, he decided to ask; "sir..? Why am I here?" Phil asked the association, "well... Just keep quiet, this will be quick okay?" The association whispered to the 12 years old boy's ear/

"Wait 12?! What??" Phil thought but then again, this is fanfiction, it's probably innocent right? HAHA WRONG

/The association then slowly removed his shorts and Phil shivered from the cold; "s-sir... This is embarrasing" he said but the association ignored him and just pulled him into a k-/

He left

Never reading fanfictions ever fucking again

If ur a pedo, ur a idiot that has no bitches

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