Most normal day in the bakery

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"OI UKRAINE GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!" The voice of Kazakhstan has shook ukraine awake, he immediately ran to the bathroom to take a bath, and went for breakfast (don't worry, he has clothes on, somehow) "sheesh you're so slow now let's go" Belarus held his hand and went out "wait what about breakfast?" Ukraine asked, he is really hungry but Belarus ignored him and finally, they reached the bakery

"You're late Ukraine.." the manager; Egypt crosses his arms "hehe sorry..." Ukraine nervously sweat, Egypt is terrifying when angry! "Okay, it's fine.. just don't be late again" Egypt left to do his stuff leaving Ukraine and Belarus alone "anyways bye Ukraine!" Belarus then left to do her shit

Ukraine sighs and just went to do his job, suddenly he hears a customer coming in! "Greeti- wait dad?!" Ukraine looks at the man, or should I say his father confused, his father is not really a fan of baked goods "I'm here to get a croissant" USSR says "o-on it sir!" Ukraine immediately goes to the kitchen to prepare the croissant leaving his father to sit on a table

After a few minutes Ukraine came back with the croissants and gave them to USSR "there we go sir, that will be $4" Ukraine says and USSR took his wallet out and gets $4 and gives it to the Ukrainian

"Bye son! Don't disappoint me" USSR bid farewell to his son and left "okay?" He sighs and starts cleaning the bakery a bit and suddenly someone holds his shoulder! "Ahh!!" Ukraine gasps in surprised only to calm down that it's just his manager "good work kid" Egypt smiles dearly at him and pat's his head "thanks.." Ukraine smiles a bit and Egypt left again and another customer enters

"Hello Mister Ukraine!" A child greets the Ukrainian causing their father to chuckle "hehe sorry about him, he's... Quite good at guessing names of people he never met before.." the father or should I say; Philippines (adding him here to get more reads from the overproud filos hehe) and his kid who's name Palau (Palau was once a part of the ph, so I guess that makes sense?) "I want cake!" Palau bounces happily "haha okay calm down geez... Anyways, we'd like a chocolate cake, no extra toppings but you can add some, I don't mind" Phil said and gives him $100 (he totally didn't beg Singapore for that yeaaa...) Ukraine then gave Phil $20 as change and began baking "okay sir this will take around an hour and 30 minutes, you can leave and just come back later, we'll send you a message or you wait here" Ukraine says "eh, I'll stay here, I don't wanna go back home... If I even have one cuz I just burned it but yeaaa" Phil chuckles on his stupidity (silly him, he burned the ASEAN building hehe!) "You did it on purpose papa..." Palau playfully glares at his father and laughs a bit "okay.. uhm I'll get going now" Ukraine then went to the kitchen "sooo what now?" Palau asked "we'll wait" Phil says and gives him his phone so he can avoid Palau's tantrums

After an hour Ukraine comes back to see another customer "hey kid" China greets him "I'd like some eclairs around 2 pieces thanks" Ukraine then went inside the kitchen and luckily, there was some eclairs there that Egypt baked before the store opened and took 2 of them "here we go sir, it's $2!" Ukraine then gave the eclairs to the Chinese and China took his wallet out and gets $2 in it and hands it at Ukraine "okay then, thanks!" China went out BUT of course he decided to have a small talk to Phil (probably about water and shit) after a bit, the cake is ready, now.. Ukraine actually wants to decorate it cuz frends so yea he decorated it and gave it to Phil (he put it in a package don't worry) and Phil bid goodbye to Ukraine, BUT of course, Palau said something creepy "thank you kind man, you are spared" Palau says and smiles creepily at him as they walk away "what" Ukraine stares at them leaving and starts thinking that the child is some sort of demon hybrid, you see hybrids are normal in the ch world malaysia is a tiger hybrid, china is a half dragon, and Japan(also his family) is a kitsune also I forgot to mention; Vatican is an angel, so it's normal if we have a demon right? Eh it's just Palau wanting to terrify him, why did he think of the child being a demon anyway? (If only he noticed Palau's pupils being weird shaped)

Now finally; the last costumer of the day; Romania, "sup dude, I'd like 4 pieces of cupcakes, anyways here's the money that I TOTALLY didn't stole from someone" Romania gave Ukraine $10 and ukraine took $3 and gave it to Romania as change "it will take like 30 mins, you can leave and come back after a bit" Ukraine suggested "okay then, bye!" Romania left probably to stea- I mean go out shopping for some stuff

As Ukraine cleans the counters he notices Egypt sneaking up on him "okay sir, that's enough scaring people to death for you!" Ukraine says making Egypt caught off guard "haha finee" Egypt then went to the kitchen to take some bread and went to his office again leaving Ukraine alone, 30 mins has passed and the cupcakes are now finished baking "he should be here soon" Ukraine looks up to the clock on the wall and suddenly the door opens "haha hello there" Romania greeted and went to pick up the cupcakes "thanks btw" Romania said and bid farewell, Ukraine looks at the clock again and realized it's closing time so he closed the store and went home but he noticed that he can't feel his wallet... Oh shit Romania stole them

Ukraine starts searching the entire city in desperate to find Romania and sees him in the park "HEY YOU! GIVE ME MY WALLET BACK!" Ukraine shouted at the Romanian, Romania flinches and looks at him straight into the eyes "no" suddenly he flew away "oh no you don't!" Ukraine also flew away

"YOU'LL NEVER CATCH ME!" Romania shouted as they fly even further to society "you sure?" Suddenly the wallet disappeared into Romania's hands and Ukraine also disappears too! Ukraine immediately went home, locked the door, closes the windows and went into his room only to realize that his wallet is empty haha shit rip $400 :(((

Let's all pay respect to his wallet :(

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