North Korea visits his brother

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"BREAKING NEWS! THERE WILL BE A MASSIVE STORM GOING STRAIGHT TO THE KOREAN PENINSULA! I REPEAT THERE IS A MASSIVE STORM HEADING TO THE KOREAN PENINSULA!" The news reporter said and NK sighs "man when does the weather be good for once?" He asks himself and buries his head under a cushion and sighs feeling lazy to prepare for the storm

As time passes and the storm hits the peninsula, NK starts regretting being a lazy ass because there is no more electricity (as if there is any electricity in NK but let's pretend there is) and the fridge is empty and what's even worse? His main phone ran out of battery so he can't play games to pass time but at least he has a spare phone for help. As he grips the flashlight on his hand deciding to just stay in his room and sleep for the night, someone suddenly calls on his spare phone, he looks at the contact name and realized his brother is calling him, shit.

"Hello, capitalist pig" NK answered coldly "hey uhh.. I know there is a storm but do you wanna go to my house? I don't want you to be alone since I know you're afraid of thunder" SK asked his brother "pfft imagine being sca-" suddenly thunder was heard in NK's side causing NK to flinch and scream a bit "ohhoho is someone scared~?" SK teased and NK can feel his brother's grin on the other side "n-no I'm not" the communist country cursed himself mentally for stuttering and suddenly; NK's roof flew and now he is soaking wet "yea you know what? I'm going to your house, I'm not dealing with this shit right now" NK said coldly and he felt SK smiling brightly as he said that "okay then brother! I'm just gonna prepare your room, stay safe as you take your flight to my land! Make sure to not be caught by your president too!" SK ended the call probably to prepare his brother's visit and NK sighs and starts packing his stuff and calling his private jet

As he arrives on his brother's land, he saw his brother smiling and running towards him making the communist country to regret coming here, as he thinks about going back he felt a warm embrace all around him "brother I missed you! And why are you wet?" SK asks "uhhhh it's a short story" NK sweats "basically my roof flew off" NK covers his face with his hands out of embarrasment "aww it's okay lil bro!" SK smiles at him "for your information; I'm only 3 minutes younger" NK argued "oh cmon~ don't be so cold, let's go to my house and do brother things together!" SK smiles warmly making NK feel warm (platonic) and smiles a bit  but he immediately stops smiling in fear his brother will tease him

Finally they arrived on SK's mansion and entered "sooo~ what do you wanna do?" SK pats his brother's back, NK stayed silent and went to the bathroom to change only to realize he forgot to pack clothes making him wanting to die at this point "uhhh.... South..? Can I borrow some clothes?" NK asks shyly "oh of course dear brother!" The capitalist brother smirks making the communist country wish he has a brother who acts like him and not... This disappointment..

As NK changes his clothes into SK's light academia themed clothing (sorry for being too specific) NK admired himself then he heard a knock on the door "come in" NK says and the door opens and it revealed SK "Hey bro- oh wow! You look good at that! After the storm passes, let's buy you some clothes for you that is similar to mine!" SK complimented him and pats his head making NK blush (platonic) "just.. shut up and let's go" NK went out leaving SK behind

"Sooo~ brother truth or dare?" SK asks "since when are we playing truth or dare?" His brother asks "since now, now truth or dare?" SK asks again "truth, I'm afraid of what you'll dare me to do" NK replied "who's your crush~?" SK looks at him with a playful smirk "no one" NK replied boredly "aww~ c'mon there has to be someone that makes you feel warmth in your heart~!" SK's smirks widens "well.. I do feel warm when I'm around this guy.." NK says "ohoho! Who's the lucky person~?" SK smiles at him and pats him "my dog" NK stares at him blankly "anyways truth or dare?" NK immediately says to avoid SK's shit "dare" SK smirks making NK weirded out, why the hell is he smirking so much? "I dare you to mind your own business" NK coldly says "cmon~ don't be so cold to your big brother~!" SK smirks "bro stop smirking or I'll punch it till that stupid face of yours can't smirk anymore" NK glared at him making SK to smirk even more "oh you wouldn't do tha-" NK cutted him and slaps him, hard enough to be painful but soft enough to not leave a bruise

"Ow!" SK exclaimed "you deserved that" NK looks at him coldly "after all the things I did to you and this is how you repay me?! But then again; this is probably a phase, sorry for being annoying to you, dear brother~!" SK then giggles "I regret coming here" NK stands up and went to the guest room leaving SK smirking "don't worry dear, I know it's just a phase" he says to himself and went to his own room

The night passed and morning arrived; the two Koreans woke up and SK cooked bacon and eggs for breakfast "hey brother, we should go shopping for clothes, your clothes are all edgy and you need at least some color in your clothes" SK says and puts the eggs and bacon to the plate "no thanks" NK coldly replied "aww bu-" SK got interrupted by his brother "shut up already, I'm going back to my country at 9am sharp" NK says and looks at his watch that shows that it's currently 7am "aww do you really have to go~? C'mon just stay for another night! Please~!" SK begged making his communist version cringe at his actions "yea you know what? I'm going back at 8am" the communist said and pushed him away, packed his bags, and went outside for some fresh air

As he walks towards the jet he suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder "hey brother.. I forgot to give you this but here is a bracelet I .are, I know how much you like red and blue so I made it red and blue and look! There is even a star here isn't it cute?" SK gave the bracelet to his brother and NK took it and wears it "see! We are matching now!" SK smiles and shows his white-red-blue bracelet, NK looks at his and his brother's hand and smiles a bit, but this time, SK notices it "aww you're smiling! You should smile more!" He smiles and pats him at the head making NK the push his hand away and went in the jet back to his country but little does he know... There is a small camera in the bracelet but little does SK know... NK won't wear the bracelet

Nahh just kidding, South Korea isn't a creep and North Korea isn't entirely an asshole so it's safe

Sorry if I didn't post much, I was busy but it's summer now so less posts ig (I get my ideas from being in school)

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