Chapter 1: I am Thou, Thou art I.

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Aria of the Soul - Persona 5

They say those that graduate from Hope's Peak Academy are guaranteed success for the rest of their lives. It was recognized as the most powerful, most famous, and most successful High School in the entire world.

The catch was that you could only enter by invitation, not by the typical high school entrance exam; and if you possessed a lucky ticket called "talent."

At least, for the most part. There were some exceptions. Not just with the Reserve Department, full of "untalented" students, but also with the role of Ultimate Lucky Student, where a random high school student was picked out from all schools across Japan, and invited at random to join the academy's main course.

This was the case for Makoto Naegi, who had been invited as the Ultimate Lucky Student almost exactly a year ago now. In fact, he had gone to bed early that night, as the next morning would be his first day back as a second-year at the prestigious school.

Makoto however, found himself very rudely awakened. He stirred in his sleep, and despite his dreariness, he became acutely aware that his pillow felt harder and more solid than usual.

Almost as if it was made of wood.

As Makoto opened his dreary eyes and looked up, he came to realize the reason for this feeling...was that what he thought was his pillow was, in fact, made of wood.

was that what he thought was his pillow was, in fact, made of wood

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"Is this...a dream?" he muttered to himself, as he looked around in confusion, " I?"

Makoto appeared to be in a classroom. One that felt very familiar to the one he had spent the last year in alongside his classmates at Hope's Peak. However, it was very noticeably different, given that everything in the room; the floors, the walls, the desks, the chairs, even the blackboard and lockers, were a deep shade of deep blue.

Makoto tried to stand up, but found that the feeling in his legs was gone, and he collapsed as soon as he tried. He stumbled and bumped his head on the desk next to him.

"OW!" he winced, clutching his sore spot, "ok...definitely not a dream then..."


Makoto's eyes widened, and he lurched his head upwards, as he suddenly heard the sound of a high pitched chuckle from the other side of the room. He quickly scrambled to his feet and looked forward to see two figures in front of him.

One of them was sitting at the teachers desk at the front of the classroom. He was a very abnormal looking man, one that would make one scream upon seeing him, but Makoto could not find the noise in his throat. He had pointed ears, bloodshot eyes that bulged out of his head, and bizarrely long nose. Makoto could not see the lower half of his body, but he wore a black, smart-looking suit, and white gloves on his hands.

The other person was a woman wearing a uniform that was the same shade of blue as everything else in the room, if a little lighter shaded. In terms of appearance, it wasn't too unlike the teachers and instructors that taught him at Hope's Peak Academy; like Miss Chisa Yukizome. The woman had short hair that reached the bottom of her neck from behind, it's color being somewhere between silverly grey or platinum blonde, and her eyes were a deep golden color, that seemed to pierce Makoto's body like she could see straight through him.

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