DSO_Beautiful Dead - Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls
"Hm...Yeah, this is definitely an improvement! At the very least, all your grades are higher than they were on the mock exams!"
"I barely passed, but...I passed!"
Makoto hummed to himself as he scanned over the results sheet in front of him. A week or so had passed since the study session, and Komaru had finally completed the last of her finals. Now he was in their family home, reading over her result papers. Though the grades had mostly gone up a little bit, a lot of her previously very low scores had improved a lot.
"Glad to see it!" Makoto beamed, "that overnight study session was definitely worth it! Even though we got a little sidetracked. Monomi and Toko are going to be happy, that's for sure."
"So, am I all good!?" Komaru's eyes sparkled, "does that mean I'm free to let loose with our Phantom Thief escapades again!?"
"Well, it's not like we were planning on BANNING you from our Phantom Thief activities unless you got good grades...But hopefully, this does pep you up a bit," Makoto considered, "Actually, speaking of Monomi and exams, there's a question that she wanted to ask you."
"Do I have to answer?" Komaru scowled, "I'm kind of done with exams, not just literally, but figuratively...If that's the right term..."
"Just bear with me; she'll get mad if I don't ask," Makoto sighed, "to be honest, we were both wondering this, but what would say is your preference when it comes to a career path?"
"Career path preference?" Komaru frowned, "wait...now that you say that, I kinda recall my homeroom teacher talking about something like that..."
"Yeah, we talked about it with Ms Yukizome too," Makoto explained, "although, the people who actually run Hope's Peak think talks like that are pointless. We go to the school to become good in the talent that we're given like our career paths are dead set on that specific thing. In the eyes of the school staff, we're basically made for our talents, not really the other way around."
"Well, I mean...That's unfair and all, but a lot of you would probably go for your designated career path even if you weren't going to Hope's Peak," Komaru pondered, "well, I say that, but Kanon-chan was telling me that her cousin wasn't particularly happy about the career that had been set for him."
"You're referring to Kuwata-kun, right?" Makoto asked, "yeah, he seems dead set on making it in the music industry, not sports like he was designated. Fair play to him and all, but I question his motives and abilities..."
"I'll be sure to tell Kanon-chan you said that~" Komaru winked, "and I'll be sitting back with my bowl of popcorn while I watch her beat your ass with a baseball bat~"
"Why-Why-Why are you so mean to me...?" Makoto grumbled, "anyway, you didn't answer my question."
"Well, I'm not really sure..." she thought about it for a moment, "I kinda like the idea of going to uni. Campus life seems like it'd be fun," Komaru sighed, "but again...exams...And I'm nowhere near skilled nor smart enough in anything to really warrant getting a degree."
"Well, actually...I wouldn't say that..." Makoto smirked, "you wanna know what I think?"
"Let me hear it brother..." Komaru crossed her legs, watching as Makoto waved his arms in the air and gestured around her bedroom.
"What do you see when you look around this room?" he asked.
"A bunch of nerd shit that I like?" Komaru replied bluntly.
"Exactly. Stuff that you like to the point where you've drawn fanart and done your own little doodles of all of it, and bought all the merchandise you can," Makoto grinned, "you're the textbook definition of an obsessed fangirl."

Phantom Thieves of Hope - A Danganronpa X Persona 5 Story.
Fanfiction"Makoto Naegi is the Ultimate Lucky Student as the esteemed school of Hope's Peak Academy. Now beginning his second year with little to no problems, Makoto's life is turned upside down when he discovers a cognitive realm known as the Metaverse. Thro...