Beautiful Dead - Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
Makoto had reason to be nervous when he woke up the next morning, as he looked at his phone and saw that he had a direct message from Toko.
She's told him over text that when he was next available, she wanted him to come over to her dorm room, so that she could show him something. Makoto didn't quite know what it was, since Toko had very quickly shot down the idea of modeling a swimsuit for him.
"If you lay a hand on me, I'll bite my own tongue off and choke on the blood until I'm dead!" were her exact words. Harsh as ever, but fitting for her.
The thought hadn't even crossed his mind, but he did suppose they were all planning to go to the beach. But it would have been more effective for her to do that stuff with Kaede, Komaru, and the other girls.
Even though Toko had been a lot more open to him since founding the Phantom Thieves, this still wasn't like her, to just talk to someone so openly like that...And she wanted him to come to her room...?
Makoto couldn't get rid of the anxiety that was rising within him as he walked from his room to the girls' dormitory down the corridor. Though he was unsure of what Toko wanted to talk to him about, he sensed that it was important.
When Makoto finally arrived at Toko's door, she inhaled deeply before knocking. As the sound reverberated down the hallway, Toko opened the door and invited him inside with a faint smile on her face, while maintaining an equally anxious expression. There was an unpleasant stillness in the room as they sat down opposite one another.
"Th-Thanks for coming..." she said, "sorry to call you out out of the b-blue like this..."
Toko's classic stutter had returned, though it had been a while since he had last heard it. Makoto did her a favor and didn't point it out to her.
"Anytime," he assured her, "Anyway, what's going on? You said you had something you wanted to show me?"
"Well, the thing is...I've been thinking about a lot of stuff lately...Heavy stuff..." she clarified, "I need a second opinion on something."
"Heavy stuff?" Makoto parroted, "is everything alright?"
"Yes...and no...The thing is...alongside the time we got to get used to Hajime, there hasn't been a lot to do while we wait for Kyoko to get back to us with more info," Toko shook her head, "In that time, I thought maybe I could write my next novel...the pinnacle of romance literature! But after sports day, I came down with a really bad case of writers block..."
"Ah...I see...Well, what do you usually do when you have writers block?" Makoto asked.
"I DON'T usually have writers block!" Toko hissed, " My powers of delusion are i-in a complete slump...! This has never h-happened before...!"
"Oh...That is rather odd," Makoto scratched his head, "What do you think caused it?"
"YOU did, you NUT!" Toko spat, alerting Makoto suddenly, "Because of what you did on sports day, reopening all those old wounds like a jerk!"
"What!? Your blaming me!?" Makoto exclaimed, but suddenly remembered what had happened during the scavenger hunt when he'd pulled Toko to the side to lecture her on her "love" for Byakuya, "ah...right...To be honest with you, I almost completely forgot about that."
"How did you FORGET about that!?" Toko hissed, "You pulled me out of sight and pounded your self-righteousness into me! You really let me have it!"
"C-Can you please phrase that in a way that doesn't make me sound like a monster!?" Makoto pleaded.

Phantom Thieves of Hope - A Danganronpa X Persona 5 Story.
Fanfiction"Makoto Naegi is the Ultimate Lucky Student as the esteemed school of Hope's Peak Academy. Now beginning his second year with little to no problems, Makoto's life is turned upside down when he discovers a cognitive realm known as the Metaverse. Thro...