Chapter 24: Of Two Sisters...

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DX Growth Plan - Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony



Shuichi: So, I have some developments.

Shuichi: Kaede has moved out of the dorms for the time being to prepare for her recital at the Tokyo Dome. Before she left, I was able to speak with her about Kaori Akamatsu.

Shuichi: Well...I suppose "speak" isn't exactly right...

Komaru: What happened?

Shuichi: I brought up the name with her, and she responded in kind by panicking and running away.

Shuichi: Hardly a great way to say goodbye...

Kyoko: I'm sorry that happened to you Shuichi.

Kyoko: But on the plus side, at least we have confirmation that this Kaori Akamatsu does exist. AND that she and Kaede are connected somehow.

Makoto: And if we're to believe the rumors are true, she'll have a Shadow and a Palace.

Makoto: The question is where do we even start looking for it?

Komaru: Yeah, that's the real issue.

Komaru: Nobody knows who Kaori Akamatsu is, and the one person who might is out of our reach right now.

Komaru: Even we don't know what kind of person she is. We're kinda stuck, no matter how you look at it.

Toko: Komaru's right.

Toko: I doubt we can just throw random guesses at the app this time. We're gonna need a plan.

Kyoko: I do have one idea about that actually.

Kyoko: Unfortunately, it's very risky, and to be honest, I don't want you guys involved in it if things take a turn for the worst.

Komaru: You know we're not gonna abandon you, even though we know you can handle it.

Komaru: You came to us for help on this. That makes us a team. And we aren't about to leave a good friend and teammate in the dust.

Makoto: Komaru's right. Whatever it is, we'll be there, no matter how dangerous.

Komaru: I'm on a roll today!

Komaru: Toko and Makoto both like my ideas for once!

Makoto: Don't get used to it, dork.

Toko: My words exactly.

Shuichi: We're getting off-topic. What's the plan, Kyoko-sama?

Kyoko: My plan is pretty simple.

Kyoko: We do the same thing we did yesterday morning and stake out the Shibuya allies for the Broken Instruments.

Kyoko: Only this time, we name-drop Kaori Akamatsu.

Komaru: Namedrop her?

Makoto: So we basically tell them we know their boss personally, and that might get a different reaction out of them?

Kyoko: Based on the way crooks think, it's entirely possible. We have the information now.

Kyoko: But they very might well try to silence us, so I'll go alone and have the rest of you on backup follow me discreetly.

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