Chapter 46: Strange New Places, Familiar Faces

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"Alright, everyone! Get ready!" Shadow Hinata exclaimed, "I can feel it! It's coming!"

Continuing where we left off after that eventful day, the intrepid party of Phantom Thieves broke into the hospital in Hinata's island palace, found the next miniboss, and even with Shuichi and Kaede taking a back seat, handily defeated it, earning themselves another grimoire to take down the next Mechabeast. The Bird.

As had been the case up until now, as soon as the party approached the bridge to the 4th island, the creature was ready to pick a fight! A sudden torrent of wind was swept up, almost throwing the team off their feet as something arrived and disturbed the air. Looking up, the team could see the silhouette of the falcon monster perched atop the arch of the bridge, its eyes staring at them like a literal vulture, before it flew into the air, flapping its wings.

The blast of wind that blew from its metallic feathers was not only visible, but razor sharp, and they came falling down from above towards the Phantom Thieves, who had to jump out of the way.

Daredevil - Persona 5 Strikers

"Sleuth! Mozart! I know you two already know this, but try to stick to the rear! Fire at it from a distance while the rest of us try and get close!"

"Given how high in the sky it is, I'm not sure we have much of a choice!" Sleuth retorted, making a decent point before he and his partner pulled out their guns and fired at the skyborne beast.

With few options, the rest of the Phantom Thieves did the same with their own guns, dodging the blasts of wind, as well as a hail of bullets that rained down upon them. For a few minutes, the fight was at a standstill, with none of the Phantom Thieves' attacks doing much to slow the bird down, but with the bird also unable to deal any critical damage to the Thieves. Even when it was able to hit, Shadow Hinata's forcefields bounced the attacks right back at it.

"If we don't get that thing out of the sky quickly, we're not going anywhere anytime soon!" Razor observed.

"You're right. Try and lure it towards the ground," Leprechaun commanded, "I think I know how I can clip its wings!"

"Alright! Sit tight! I'm gonna see if I can get up there!" Highwayman exclaimed, suddenly holstering her weapon and running towards the arch of the bridge, "Keep it distracted for me!"

Leprechaun watched his sister while he and the other team members continued to draw the falcon's fire. Once she made it to the arch of the bridge, she cast out her grappling hook to hoist her up it and, for lack of better words, started to run up the wall until she made it to the top.

Komaru looked down briefly and gulped to see how high she was, secretly thinking to herself *those guys had better catch me if I jump back down.* She shook off the threat of falling and instead turned her attention to the bird that wasn't too far above her now, and to her relief, it hadn't noticed her due to being too distracted by her teammates.

After steadying herself, she swung her lasso above her head and let it spin around.

Highwayman found the bird to be a difficult target with how much it moved around, and her eyes narrowed in the glare of the sun as she tried to predict when would be the best time to throw it out. With a last-ditch effort, she let go as the monster closed in on her, and to her pleasant surprise, the loop landed precisely around the Mechabeast's ankle.

What was NOT so pleasant was that as soon as the hoop caught around the beast's leg, it started to panic and flew away, trying desperately to throw her off; so as it happened, Highwayman was yanked off the arc and suspended at least 50 feet in the air, clinging onto her lasso for dear life!

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